HG 40 - Call of Duty Wiki
The HG 40 is a submachine gun featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops III and Call of Duty: Mobile. It is a modernized version of the MP40 from previous Call of Duty installments. " Full-auto submachine gun. Blitzkrieg your enemies and protect your squad with …
HG 40 - 使命召唤 中文维基 | 決勝時刻 | Call of Duty | COD攻略资 …
HG 40是一把DLC武器,需要玩家从黑市补给箱中抽取才能使用。 HG 40是一把大威力的冲锋枪,最大伤害可以3枪毙命,且能保持一段距离。 最小伤害也仅衰减至5枪毙命,不同于多数冲锋枪的6枪毙命。 HG 40有一段专门为硬核模式设定的30-29的伤害衰减,用于区分HG 40是否可以一枪毙命。 HG 40可以做到3枪毙命的射程约17.5米,比较不错。 4枪毙命的射程总计约38米,而硬核模式下可以一枪毙命的射程为25米。 但是,HG 40的射速较慢,是所有冲锋枪中表现最慢的。 …
HG40 Submachine Gun | Call of Duty Mobile - zilliongamer
3 天之前 · Find Out about HG40 SMG Stats, Pick the best attachment, and Weapon Skin advantage here. HG40 is a fully automatic SMG in COD Mobile with medium recoil and a medium rate of fire. The prime range of HG40 is close to medium range with good time to kill. This is a fresh stats. Not any attachment is being equipped to the weapon.
HG 40 (SMG) - Call of Duty®: Mobile Database
Unlock Gold camo for all weapons in the game. Get 10 kills in a completed match 120 times to unlock. Get 25 kills with this weapon in 6 completed Undead Siege matches. (Hard or Nightmare) Obtained by participating in the engagement events. Fully automatic submachine gun. Medium recoil with medium rate of fire.
Shimano CN-HG40 Hyperglide Chain : Bike Chains - Amazon.com
2009年1月9日 · We offer easy, convenient returns with at least one free return option: no shipping charges. All returns must comply with our returns policy. Available at a lower price from other sellers that may not offer free Prime shipping. These items are shipped from and sold by different sellers. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content.
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使命召唤手游HG40枪械怎么样?HG40枪械测评 - 腾讯网
2021年1月4日 · HG-40因为本身的稳定性较高,所以在选择配件上面可以优先选择射程和开镜速度,这套HG-40的配件搭配充分的利用了HG-40的枪械特性。 JPI一体消音枪管搭配无枪托两者优缺互补加上一个增加开镜速度的OWC战术镭射,弹夹方面选择45发的快速弹夹(40发的也可以)使弹夹容量和换弹速度都不至于太过于拉胯,后握把使用橡胶握把皮弥补前面配件的垂直后坐力。 射程、弹夹容量、换弹速度、开镜速度的提升使HG-40可以适应更多的场景。 在看来,HG40是 …
HG-40 - Black Ops 3 Wiki
The HG-40 is a very powerful gun that can kill enemies in 3 bullets. It has high damage but a low fire rate unlike the MP-40 in other games. The MP-40 from Advanced Warfare was a gun that fired fast and had low damage so the HG-40 is completely different to other MP-40 models that are seen throughout Call of Duty.
(Update) COD Mobile HG-40 Gunsmith Loadout – ‘No Recoil’ HG-40 …
2020年9月4日 · Here, we will be mentioning the Gunsmith guide for HG 40, the newly buffed SMG in Call of Duty Mobile. The Gunsmith build that we are going to discuss here, will be focusing on increasing the Accuracy, Damage-range, Recoil-control, and Aim-shake
SHIMANO HG40 6,7,8 Speed Mountain Bike Chain - Amazon.com
2012年11月8日 · Hyperglide (HG) series 6, 7, or 8-speed compatible chain, recommended for Altus and older Alivio / STX drivetrains ; HG technology has chamfered inner plates to optimise shifting performance on HG sprockets ; Durability is assured through a chromising treatment on link pins, and the heat treatment of rollers, pins, and plates
- 评论数: 1122
HG40 Mejor Configuración y Accesorios en COD Mobile | 2024
La HG40 en COD Mobile es un subfusil ligero de medio alcance que se caracteriza por su elevada movilidad y su daño a media distancia lo que hace que sea una buena opción incluso para mapas mas grandes ya que no es muy difícil de controlar. Daño: 26. Cadencia: 67. Precisión: 59. Movilidad: 100. Alcance: 48. Control: 50. Se Desbloquea en el Nivel 13.