SVG Repo - Free SVG Vectors and Icons
Download free SVG vectors and icons for commercial use. Using ML-powered search, find the suitable vector you are looking for easily. Make basic changes on an icon or vector without needing a design software. All served icons and vectors are optimized with our SVGO based compressor. From me to us.
[SOLVED] Inject an SVG file into my HTML - support - HUGO
2017年7月15日 · You can easily pass an svg through a partial in a template. BUT passing it in content files is more tricky. It really depends on what you want to do. Do you want to have the svg inline or pass it as an image? If you want the first option then the only way that I can think of is to pass it through a frontmatter parameter, but that will be kind ...
How to use inline SVGs with Hugo - BitBanged
2020年7月14日 · Hence, in this article, I’ll be showing you a way to considerably improve your website’s performance, using inline SVG icons instead of resourceful, yet bulky icon fonts like Font-Awesome. By the end of this article, you’ll have with yourself a fully-functional and lightweight SVG icon system you piled up yourself and a self-satisfaction ...
Using an inline SVG icon system with Hugo - tips & tricks - HUGO
2020年3月13日 · Learn how to use inline SVGs to make your static websites lighter and faster. In short, it utilizes a partial for embedding the SVG icons into the templates. The partial takes the SVG filename as an argument. {{ $svg := . }} I’d love to …
Hugo 图标模块 - Hugo Icons 模块
轻量级、灵活的 Hugo SVG 图标模块,支持 Bootstrap 图标、Font Awesome 图标、Material Design 图标、Simple 图标、Tabler 图标、Feather 图标、Lucide 图标等流行图标供应商。
Embedding (inline) SVG in content / markdown - support - HUGO
2017年7月19日 · If I want to include the svg in a web page, I can use a shortcode like {{< figure src="triangle.svg" >}} inside my markdown. This will give me a figure that references triangle.svg . Now, what if I want to embed (inline) the contents of triangle.svg inside the web page?
13个免费下载 SVG 图标网站 - CSDN博客
2020年10月10日 · Svgl是一个在线免费SVG logo下载网站,网站利用 Sveltekit 和 Tailwind CSS 构建,目前收录上百个优质的svg 格式logo,并且免费提供svg格式logo资源下载,svg logo提供直接下载和复制 JSX 代码、API获取等等,svg logo资源涉及人工智能AI、浏览器、数据库、框架、 …
Hugo Kroki 模块 - HugoMods
利用 Kroki 的强大功能,从文本描述中创建图表,并以内联 SVG 和图片形式呈现,无需 JavaScript。
SVG Logos 图标库 - Yesicon
SVG Logos 是一个由 Gil Barbara 设计并开源的图标库,收录了 1838 个高品质的矢量图标,并基于 CC0 开源协议,可供任何人免费下载和使用
免费图标SVG,PNG,ICO或ICNS - Free Icons
我们帮你找到免费的图标为您的网站项目,应用程序,杂志,海报,广告设计或你想使用它...你可以将它们下载到png格式SVG,ICO和ICNS。 我们有成千上万个来自主要品牌的徽标可供免费下载,您可以从多种风格中进行选择,找到最适合您想法的一款。