Bombardier–Alstom HHP-8 - Wikipedia
The Bombardier–Alstom HHP-8 (High Horse Power 8000) is a twin-cab electric locomotive built for Amtrak and MARC by a consortium of Bombardier and Alstom. Its electrical system was based on Alstom's BB 36000 locomotive.
龐巴迪–阿爾斯通HHP-8電力機車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
HHP-8 型電力機車 (「大馬力八千」,High Horse Power 8000)是由 龐巴迪運輸 (Bombardier Transportation)與 阿爾斯通公司 (Alstom)合作製造的雙駕駛室電力機車,供 美鐵 與 馬里蘭區域通勤鐵路 使用。
HHP-8 型电力机车(“大马力八千”,High Horse Power 8000)是由庞巴迪运输(Bombardier Transportation)与阿尔斯通公司(Alstom)合作制造的双驾驶室电力机车,供美铁与马里兰区域通勤铁路使用。
11、短命的庞巴迪-阿尔斯通HHP-8型电力机车 - 知乎
本期介绍美铁在本世纪初购买的一款小众且短命的产品—— 庞巴迪-阿尔斯通HHP-8型电力机车。 上世纪90年代的时候美铁在东北走廊上运用着两种电力机车:一种是70年代生产的、以货运机车起家的 通用电气GE E60型,该型机车实际上并不适合用于准高速客运。 另一型是70年代末从欧洲引进技术并进行本土化改造的 EMD AEM-7 型,美铁对该型机车非常满意;AEM-7也是80-90年代美铁在东北走廊上的主力机车。 到了90年代的时候,美铁打算将不怎么好使的E60一劳永逸地全 …
Bombardier-Alstom HHP-8 - Worldwide Rails
Built in a coalition between Bombardier and Alstom, the HHP-8 locomotives produced 8,000 horsepower, have a maximum speed of 135 mph, and has 71,240 lbf of tractive effort. The locomotive is powered by a voltage of 60 Hz AC from overhead catenary, and …
Bombardier-Alstom HHP8 | Locomotive Wiki | Fandom
The Bombardier–Alstom HHP-8 (High Horse Power 8000) is a type of twin-cab electric locomotive manufactured by a consortium of Bombardier Transportation and Alstom for use by Amtrak and the Maryland Area Regional Commuter system. The locomotive's electrical drive technology is directly derived from the SNCF BB 36000 manufactured by Alstom.
不靠谱的准高:HHP-8型电力机车 - 哔哩哔哩
HHP-8 型电力机车 (“大马力八千”,High Horse Power 8000)是由庞巴迪运输(Bombardier Transportation)与阿尔斯通公司(Alstom)合作制造的双驾驶室电力机车,供美铁与马里兰区域通勤铁路使用。
Bombardier–Alstom HHP-8 - Wikiwand
The Bombardier–Alstom HHP-8 (High Horse Power 8000) is a twin-cab electric locomotive built for Amtrak and MARC by a consortium of Bombardier and Alstom. Its electrical system was based on Alstom's BB 36000 locomotive.
BOMBARDIER-ALSTOM HHP-8 - Trains and Railroads
The Bombardier–Alstom HHP-8 (High Horse Power 8000) is a type of twin-cab electric locomotive manufactured by a consortium of Bombardier Transportation and Alstom for Amtrak and MARC. The locomotive's electrical drive technology is directly derived from the SNCF BB 36000 manufactured by Alstom.
Bombardier-Alstom HHP-8 (HHL-8 / HSEL) Electric Locomotive
2024年5月21日 · AMTRAK and MARC ("Maryland Area Rail Commuter") were the recipients of the 21 total HHP-8 ("High Horse Power 8000") high-speed, passenger-centric electric locomotives built via a joint-venture between Bombardier Transportation of Germany/Canada and Alstom of …