HID® Signo™ Readers
HID Signo Readers bring today’s organizations into the future of access control. Beyond its sleek, modern design, this cutting-edge reader platform provides flexible, reliable performance with support for an unmatched range of credential technologies.
HID® Signo™ Reader 40
A perfect fit for door applications requiring wall switch mounting, the HID Signo Reader 40 supports an unparalleled range of different credential technologies in a variety of form factors including cards, fobs and mobile devices.
HID® Signo™ Keypad Reader 40K
A perfect fit for multi-factor authentication door applications requiring a narrow keypad reader, the HID Signo Keypad Reader 40K supports an unparalleled range of different credential technologies in a variety of form factors including cards, fobs and mobile devices.
HID Signo 20 20NKS-00-000000 Multi-Technology, Mobile Ready Smart Card ...
A perfect fit for door applications requiring a narrow card reader, the HID Signo Reader 20 supports an unparalleled range of different credential technologies in a variety of form factors including cards, fobs and mobile devices.
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HID Signo Reader 20/20K | Honeywell - Honeywell Building …
HID Signo™ are physical access control readers from HID Global. The cards are highly versatile and are most highly adaptable, interoperable and secure approach to electronic access control. The readers provide support for the widest range of credential technologies, including HID Mobile Access® via native Bluetooth and Near Field ...
HID Signo Reader | Honeywell
HID Signo™ is the signature line of physical access control readers from HID Global. The versatility, performance and connected capabilities of HID Signo readers provide the most highly adaptable, interoperable and secure approach to electronic access control.
HID Signo Narrow Card Reader | Honeywell - Honeywell Building …
Honeywell brings HID signo readers with versatility, performance and connected capabilities to set a new industry benchmark for the most highly adaptable, interoperable and secure approach to electronic access control.
HID Signo™ is the signature line of physical access control readers from HID Global. The versatility, performance and connected capabilities of HID Signo readers set a new industry benchmark for the most highly adaptable, interoperable and secure approach to electronic access control. Offering an unparalleled breadth of
HID Signo 讀卡機 - 烽碩資通科技有限公司
HID Signo是 HID Global 實體門禁控制讀卡機的招牌系列。HID Signo 讀卡器的多功能性和互聯功能為電子門禁控制提供了高度的因應性、互通性和安全性方法並樹立了新的產業基準。
HID Global 发布全新Signo™系列读卡器 开启门禁系统新世界
HID® Signo™ 正在推动下一波兼具灵活性和便利性的移动访问技术。 读卡器可以与十几种物理和移动凭证技术进行互操作,包括使用原生蓝牙和近场通信 (NFC) 功能的 HID Mobile Access® 移动门禁,以及支持 Apple Wallet的增强型非接触式轮询 (ECP)功能。