| The Hong Kong Club
The Hong Kong Club was established in 1846. Its Members included government officials and the heads of major trading firms, and it was referred to simply as “The Club”. The Club currently has around 1,550 Resident Members. Members are admitted only by invitation and ballot.
The Club 網上購物平台 | 一站式買、賺、賞網購體驗
於The Club網購讓你以優惠價格買到手機、電腦、家電等精選潮物,購物同時更可輕鬆賺取Club積分,每$10=1分! Club積分更可兌換獎賞或扣減消費價格, 每5分即可當$1用!立即買得多, 賺得更多!
Hong Kong Club - Wikipedia
The Hong Kong Club (Chinese: 香港會) is a gentlemen's club in Hong Kong, the first in the city. Opened on 26 May 1846, it is a private business and dining club in the heart of Central, Hong Kong. Its members were (and still are) among the most influential people in the city, including such personalities as senior government officials, senior ...
香港會 - 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書
香港會(The Hong Kong Club),又稱香港會所,舊時唐人叫佢新公司(Hongkong Club),旗下包括香港國際遊艇俱樂部和多艘私人郵輪,係香港一會所,會員皆香港上層士紳,非富則貴。
Dress Code & Policies - The Hong Kong Club
We encourage you to dress smartly, with a degree of formality, to reflect the elegance and rich tradition of The Hong Kong Club. For further guidance on the dress codes of the respective venues, please refer to the guidelines below.
The Club 會員獎賞計劃 - 香港電訊
The Club是HKT旗下的會員計劃及數碼業務。 任何人均可免費登記成為The Club會員,盡享各種獨家禮遇、豐富獎賞及服務包括網上購物、餐飲、旅遊、保險,以及企業社會責任項目。
The Club HK | Rewards Loyalty Program | HKT
The Club is a loyalty program and digital business under HKT. Join for free and enjoy an abundance of priviledges including online shopping, dining, travel, insurance and corporate social responsibility initiatives. Download The Club app and start your journey with The Club!
The Club | 主頁 - HKT
The Club是香港電訊旗下會員計劃及數碼業務。 任何人士均可免費登記及盡享豐富獎賞、禮遇及服務包括網上購物、旅遊、保險,以及社區項目。 會員可透過The Club網上服務、香港電訊各項認可服務及眾多合作商戶,消費以賺取Club積分,而Club積分可用於兌換獎賞 ...
The Hong Kong Club - Tatler Asia
Known simply as “The Club” to its members, its current Central location houses six floors of incredible leisure and fitness facilities including restaurants, squash courts, a bowling alley, a billiards room, a fantastic library and even its own barber.
The Club | Home - HKT
The Club is HKT’s customer loyalty programme and digital ventures arm. Anyone can join the programme for free and enjoy the rewards, privileges, and services such as online shopping, travel, insurance, and community.