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Yahoo Hong Kong 雅虎香港
千億大刁主角長和(0001.HK)將於下週四公佈業績,市場對公司派特別息充滿期待,但事情巳變得政治化,中國領事館的總參贊,已要求約見旗下個別碼頭的負責人,以了解這單交易,長和 …
Heckler & Koch | Heckler & Koch
Heckler & Koch is one of the world's leading manufacturers of handguns with firm roots in Germany. For more than 70 years.
Pistols - HK USA - Heckler & Koch
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Rifles - HK USA - Heckler & Koch
Showing all 10 resultsRifles, Upper Receiver Kit
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香港最熱門新潮的景點、美食、體驗,一手掌握! 香港是「亞洲盛事之都」,全年無休的盛事深受旅客和市民歡迎。 即與旅發局聯絡,打造大型盛事。 發掘必去打卡熱點,探索周邊美食推 …
Company - HK USA
For over half a century, Heckler & Koch has been a leading designer and manufacturer of small arms and light weapons for law enforcement and military forces worldwide. HK is also the …
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HK polymer molding technology led to the introduction of another synthetic framed HK handgun, the futuristic-looking VP70. Heckler & Koch pioneered the use of polymers more than fifteen …