GBB <<後座力>> 瓦斯槍-WE G36C IDZ 瓦斯槍 HK G39C GBB步槍 …
發射5.56×45公釐北約制式子彈,用來取代同為H&K公司產品的G3步槍。 G36大量採用了以不鏽鋼為骨架的玻璃纖維加強複合材料,因此武器重量較輕。 在開發階段其型號為HK50。 任何時候,槍口不可對人,隨時關保險,槍口一律朝下! 禁止射擊人畜,他人財物,以免觸法! 用槍需戴護具,以免誤擊受傷。 千萬不可任意將槍借人使用! 槍借人一定馬上壞,他的不當行為您要負連帶責任! 外出請以槍盒或槍袋包裝攜帶,切勿耍帥裸槍攜帶,引發民眾恐慌騷動因而報警,自找 …
WE - 超便宜長槍-WE G36C 瓦斯槍 HK G39C GBB步槍 999 ... - KUI
發射5.56×45公釐北約制式子彈,用來取代同為H&K公司產品的G3步槍。 G36大量採用了以不鏽鋼為骨架的玻璃纖維加強複合材料,因此武器重量較輕。 在開發階段其型號為HK50。 任何時候,槍口不可對人,隨時關保險,槍口一律朝下! 禁止射擊人畜,他人財物,以免觸法! 用槍需戴護具,以免誤擊受傷。 千萬不可任意將槍借人使用! 槍借人一定馬上壞,他的不當行為您要負連帶責任! 外出請以槍盒或槍袋包裝攜帶,切勿耍帥裸槍攜帶,引發民眾恐慌騷動因而報警,自找 …
WE G36 G39 GBB 系列 IDZ 特戰托組(摺疊準星魚骨+伸縮後托/ …
KUI酷愛國際有限公司 WE G36 G39 GBB 系列 IDZ 特戰托組(摺疊準星魚骨+伸縮後托/槍托/後拖)及 瓦斯槍、電動槍、CO2槍、玩具槍、軍品、鋼盔、頭盔、護目鏡、風鏡、迷彩帽、棒球帽、軍服、迷彩服、外套、軍靴、戰術背心、背包及生存遊戲配件全系列商品!! KUI 酷愛國際生存遊戲官方網站 AIRSOFT https://www.kui.com.tw/
WE G39C GAS Blow back Rifle (GBB) - Airsoft Tiger111hk
The WE G39 is a replica of the G36C (commando) variant with the shortest barrel of the G36 family and a flat top accessory rail (with iron sights) that sits lower then the carry handle / sight on the full size G36.
- 评论数: 1
WE G39C Gas Blow Back Rifle Airsoft ( GBB ) ( Black ) - JK ARMY …
WE G39C Gas Blow Back Rifle Airsoft ( GBB ) ( Black ) SKU / Code. All GBB / Pistol are tested before ship out. When we test any guns, tiny scratch cannot be avoided. Only registered users can write reviews. Please Sign in or create an account.
WE G39C (G36C) Gas Blowback Rifle | Booligan's Airsoft Reviews
As mentioned before, The WE G39C is a gas blowback rifle, which is fed from a magazine that holds both gas and BBs, much like GBB pistols. It offers a very realistic training platform, as the operating techniques, controls, magazine capacity, and even recoil are very close to the real gun.
WE G39C GBR (2025) - Airsoftzone
G39C implements a robust gas blowback (GBR) system that imitates recoil and mechanical action during firing. It provides an exceptional and realistic user experience, like shooting an authentic weapon. Furthermore, the rifle offers an adjustable hop-up mechanism to improve the BB's accuracy and stability during the shot.
WE G39C GBB Rifle Airsoft Gun ( Black )
It looks, feels, and kicks like the real HK G36C. It has the rifle and close range sights, folding stock, 32rd realistic magazines, and pleanty of rail real estate to attach a grenade launcher or a laser and flashlight or whatever your little heart can dream up.
- 评论数: 2
【翔準軍品AOG】全開膛版 WE G39C GBB G36 瓦斯氣動槍 瓦斯 …
【翔準軍品aog】全開膛版 we g39c gbb g36 瓦斯氣動槍 瓦斯槍 長槍 g39 瓦斯 後座力 全金屬. 動力: 瓦斯動力. 長度:499 / 725 mm 重量:2760 g. 裝彈數: 30+1 發. 動作方式: 擊發時槍機自動覆進. 外部材質: 金屬合金,合成樹脂. 內部材質: 金屬合金. 單發 / 連發 可調
The H&K G39: An HK 437 in .300 Blackout for German Special Forces
2024年3月1日 · The H&K G39 is an ultra-high-tech version of the H&K 437. This is a compact .300 Blackout carbine designed for German special forces using an adjustable short stroke gas piston operating system, folding stock, fully ambi controls, and a whole host of other features requested by German Special Forces units.