what makes an HK P7 so great? | The High Road
2009年5月5日 · i have shot a few of their other pistols (usp's & p2000's) and loved them. now im just curious about this strange little guy known as the P7..... i have never had the chance to play with one and im really interested in that grip. so lets hear it... whats all the hype about?
For Everybody Who Complains About the HK P7 Series Getting …
2005年8月16日 · They do seem to get hotter than any other pistol I own, but I went with Peter's method and number 3 should be arriving later this week. I would get a p7m8 just to try that fancy heat shield, but then I'd have to go find new mags and …
what makes an HK P7 so great? | Page 3 | The High Road
2009年5月4日 · Why do we continue to say the P7 is complicated? It has an practically the same parts count as the 1911 and is very close to the parts count of the Glock or M&P. Its no more complicated than they are. If actually has fewer parts than many other weapons and with the exception of the cocker it...
whats so special about the HK P7? | Page 2 | The High Road
2016年7月23日 · Best carry gun for me ever invented.
opportunity to buy "new" H/K P7M13 | The High Road
2011年4月28日 · I have always had an eye out for a new (or rather, never-fired) H&K P7. My local gun store has a P7M13 under the glass for $2,500. Is this a fair price for this gun? It comes in its original (albeit very barebones) box and has (2) magazines. …
CDNN HK P7s | The High Road
2008年12月20日 · Not sure how many they have left, but CDNN is advertising HK P7s with plum slides and one mag for $499.99. If you ever wanted one of these fine little guns that's the best price I've ever seen them for.
Best non-Glock? | The High Road
2004年6月27日 · Everytime I see Glocks--whether they're mentioned in a thread here on THR, in a videogame, at the gunstore, wherever--my mind says "I want one of these!"...
Looking for a subcompact 9mm | The High Road
2010年5月27日 · Search titles only By: Search Advanced search…
HK P7m8 shooting impression | The High Road
2003年7月4日 · Today I finally rented one at the local range and it dropped off my "To Buy" list. Here's what I thought: 1. Very ergonomic piece. The manual of arms isn't that different from other autos where I would feel uncomfortable handling the firearm. Also, my …
Should I change Focus? And how? | The High Road
2004年3月23日 · Search titles only By: Search Advanced search…