Heckler & Koch PSG1 - Wikipedia
The Heckler & Koch PSG1 (Präzisionsschützengewehr, German for "precision marksman rifle") is a semi-automatic designated marksman rifle designed and produced by the German company …
H&K PSG-1 - Sniper Central
2020年8月26日 · It is an outstanding Police Sharpshooter weapon, but most agencies cannot afford the price tag (about $15,000 USD on the used market), which is why it usually shows up …
HK PSG1狙擊步槍 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
PSG-1 (德文: P räzisions- S charfschützen- G ewehr,意為:「精確射手步槍」),是由 黑克勒-科赫 生產的一種 半自動 狙擊步槍。 在 1980年 代中期, 德國 H&K 公司製造有自動射擊 …
Heckler & Koch PSG1 7.62X51 Cased *RARE RIFLE* - Guns International
High performance sniper rifle developed specially for law enforcement use after 1972 Munich Summer Olympics in response to Munich Massacre. The HK PSG-1 features low noise bolt …
P30SK - HK USA - Heckler & Koch
For the P30SK, the LEM trigger is configured with a “light strike V1” setup — requiring approximately 5.4 pounds-force to pull the trigger. The subcompact model of the renowned …
New to me, HK PSG1. Very detailed overview inside.
2014年5月29日 · Sporting a 25.6 inch cold hammer forged polygonal rifled barrel, the PSG1 has a strengthened receiver to minimize torque, the famous (and heavy) PSG1 fully adjustable …
PSK 護膚品 | 香港總代理
psk深海美肌專家|控油|淨顏控油系列|淨顏控油平衡精華34ml 高效溫和控油精華 調理油水平衡好肌 添加ac.net™及類神經醯胺,雙重控油保濕成分
Taking the legendary HK manufacturing processes to their fullest extent, the PSG1 is capable of sub-minute of angle accuracy. Equipped with a permanent mount 6 power Hensoldt …
德国黑克勒和科赫责任有限公司 - 百度百科
HK公司(Heckler & Koch)是德国黑克勒和科赫责任有限公司的简称。 作为德国著名枪械公司,为世界上最有影响力的 军火公司 之一,曾有过 MP5 、 G3 、 G36 、 USP 手枪,“惩罚者” …
HK P30SK V1 9mm Luger Pistol 3.27 Barrel 10+1 Round Black ... - MidwayUSA
The subcompact model of the renowned HK P30 handgun, P30SK (SubKompact) series has all of the sought-after characteristics of the larger frame P30 and P30L pistols but in a more …