USP COMPACT - HK USA - Heckler & Koch
The HK USP Compact is a small frame pistol capable of firing the most powerful cartridges in 9 mm, .40 S&W, .45 ACP. Based on the full-size USP models, these handy pistols combine compact size with optimum effective shooting performance.
HK USP Pistols - Palmetto State Armory
HK USP Pisols. View as Grid View List View. Items 1-24 of 105. Page. Page Back Page Next. You're currently reading page 1; Page 2; Page 3... Page 5; Filter. Sort. Set Descending Direction H&K USP Tactical V1 9mm 4.86" 15rds Pistol, FDE - …
Heckler & Koch USP - Wikipedia
The Heckler & Koch USP (Universelle Selbstladepistole or "universal self-loading pistol") is a semi-automatic pistol developed in Germany by Heckler & Koch GmbH (H&K) as a replacement for the P7 series of handguns.
USP - HK USA - Heckler & Koch
Originally designed for the American market, the USP (Universal Self-loading Pistol) has found international acceptance as an accurate and ultra-reliable handgun. Features favored by U.S. law enforcement and military users provided much of the design criteria for the USP.
HK USP For Sale - Buds Gun Shop
The USP (Universelle Selbstladepistole or \"universal self-loading pistol\") is a semi-automatic pistol developed in Germany by Heckler & Koch GmbH (H&K) of Oberndorf am Neckar, as an alternative for the P7 series of handguns. One of the most important features of the USP is the mechanical recoil reduction system.
USP Compact 紧凑型 - 枪炮世界
hk公司50周年纪念光盘 USP 紧凑型( USP Compact )是在 1994 年美国“突击武器禁止法”出台后出现在市面的,该法规限制了民间用枪的弹匣容量不得超过 10 发。
HK_USP手枪(英文:USP Semi-automatic pistol,译文:通用自动装填手枪),是德国黑克勒·科赫(H&K,简称:HK)公司研制的一型半自动手枪。HK_USP手枪标准型采用9毫米口径,发射9x19毫米枪弹,全枪长194毫米、枪管长108毫米、枪重748克,有效射程50米,弹匣容量15发。
HK USP-C特点解析 - 百家号
HK USP-C作为USP紧凑型手枪的代表,不仅继承了全尺寸手枪的众多优点,更在尺寸上进行了精巧优化,便于日常携带与隐蔽。 其采用的锤击发式设计,配合双动/单动V1变体和仅双动的V7“LEM”变体,使得这款手枪在准确度、稳定性和耐用性上都表现出色。 无论是执行任务还是日常防身,HK USP-C都是您值得信赖的伙伴。 HK USP-C手枪配备了带有凹槽的钢制三点式瞄准具,这一设计为射手提供了出色的瞄准精度。 此外,用户还可根据需求选择配备夜视瞄准具, …
H&K USP-C .45ACP — Howell Gun Works
The HK USP Compact is a small frame pistol capable of firing the most powerful cartridges. Based on the full-size USP models, these handy pistols combine compact size with optimum effective shooting performance. The reduction in trigger reach and grip circumference increases concealability and enhances shooting ergonomics.
HK USP Compact for sale $587.30 - In stock - firearms.deals
The HK USP Compact is a small frame pistol capable of firing the most powerful cartridges in 9 mm, .40 S&W, .45 ACP, and .357 SIG (by special order). Based on the full-size USP models, these handy pistols combine compact size with optimum effective shooting performance.
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