CHAPTER 1 - BACKGROUND The provision and regulation of water supply in Hong Kong are governed by the Waterworks Ordinance (“WWO”) (Cap. 102) and the Waterworks Regulations …
關於本文件 為進一步提升食水安全及用水效率,政府現正檢討《水務設施條例》(第 102章)和《水務設施規例》(第 102A章),希望就多項立法修訂建議諮詢公眾,加強對建造和保養內部水喉系統的 …
INTRODUCTION This paper invites views from members of the public on a proposal to amend the Waterworks Ordinance (“WWO”) (Cap. 102) and the Waterworks Regulations (“WWR”) (Cap. …
ial water overcharging cases. Suspected contraventions of legislation or regulations other than WWO, if identified during the investigation on the premises, would also be relayed to the rel
The Waterworks (Waterworks Regulations) (Amendment) Ordinance 2021 amends the phrase “cost of water” to “charges of water” in regulation 47 of WWR. 2 A registered consumer means …
Please see Hong Kong e-Legislation (https://www.elegislation.gov.hk) for information of provisions and amendments not yet in operation. 《水務設施條例》
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Legislative Council
The Administration has also advised that under the existing WWO and WWR, it is difficult for WA to obtain sufficient evidence to prosecute a person who is suspected of overcharging tenants …
Public consultation on proposed amendments to Waterworks
2020年11月6日 · The Development Bureau (DEVB) and the Water Supplies Department (WSD) today (November 6) launched a 90-day public consultation on the proposed amendments to …
Cap. 102 Waterworks Ordinance - e-Legislation
appl% means to find documents having “apply”, “applies”, “applying”, “application” etc.
INTRODUCTION At the meeting of the Executive Council on 28 March 2017, the Council ADVISED and the Chief Executive ORDERED that, under section 37 of the Waterworks …