Academic Regalia and Degree Colours - Hong Kong Baptist …
A black hood with blue and gold silk lining throughout and with a royal blue velvet edge lining. A cap of mortar-board pattern with gold tassel.
Rental of Academic Regalia | HKBU AR
A full set of academic regalia consists of a gown, a hood and a mortarboard/bonnet. Graduates of Doctoral Degrees, Master's Degrees, Postgraduate Diplomas, Self-funded Bachelor's Degrees …
HKBU Graduation Gown | 香港浸會大學畢業袍
Contrary to this poorly-designed mechanism, TYG design includes both a zipper and snap-button design that provides ease of wear and an aesthetically pleasing outfit that is superior than …
Petits Graduation 小王子攝影室 | 畢業袍專門店 | 香港浸會大學 (HKBU)
Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) Graduation Gown. 如需加購畢業袍,每件優惠價$60. 立即WhatsApp查詢更多詳情 54985084.
PG18 HKBU & EDUHK PhD Gown 博士袍 - Victoriauniform
香港浸會大學 Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) PhD & DBA 和 香港教育大學 The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) 博士袍. 黑身藍色絨布前衿及袖臂三藍尖貼. A black robe …
Academic Dress for Graduates - HKBU University Student …
Gown. Doctor (Honoris Causa) A dark red velvet robe with 4.5” wide gold satin facings down each side in front trimmed with blue satin in the middle Doctor of Business Administration, Doctor of …
HKBU Undergraduate Gown –The Pride of Being a HKBU-er Welcome to HKBU! You are entering into a new stage of life. The coming years will be challenging and yet memorable for you. For …
BU香港浸會大學碩士畢業袍 | Gown Revolution | 畢業公仔 | 畢業袍 …
BU香港浸會大學碩士畢業袍 - 畢業袍完全合大學要!質素相等於英美名牌大學!🇺🇸🇬🇧 人手製畢業帽!質料硬身耐用!絕對高質!👌🏻 歡迎比較 ~ 歡迎到門市試身!🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
訂購畢業袍| NEO Uniform Ltd. | 香港
Neo Uniform Ltd.成立於2003年,由香港理工大學時裝設計系畢業生主理,我們擁有多年一站式制服設計至生產經驗,曾替各大品牌設計出獨一無二的高級時尚制服,我們用作品說話,請瀏覽 …
TYG 香港畢業袍 | TYG Graduation Gown & Academic Dress …
Welcome to TYG, your premier destination for top-quality graduation gowns and academic apparel in Hong Kong. At TYG, we take pride in providing exceptional products and services to …