大學校徽及標誌 ︳香港浸會大學傳訊公關處
大學標誌在浸會大學獲正名後開始使用。 校名的英文縮寫 "BU" 與書本圖案結合,形成與漢字「迎」及「進」相似的圖案,意味中西文化的融合。 我們使用Cookies為您提供更好的瀏覽體驗。 如果您繼續瀏覽本網站而沒有更改您的私隱設定,表示您同意我們使用Cookies。 如欲了解更多,請參閱我們的 私隱政策聲明及收集個人資料聲明。
Emblem and Logos | Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated
School Emblem School Logo School Union Alumni Association HKBUAS Parent - Teacher Association Secondary Division Chamber Aristotle Chamber Beethoven Chamber Columbus Chamber Da Vinci Chamber Einstein Primary Division House Courtesy House Wisdom House Justice House Kindness House Faith
Hong Kong Baptist University – HKBU
2012年3月23日 · Learn more about the different types of courses we offer, and begin your unique journey with us! Student life at HKBU promises an extraordinary range of opportunities, and we offer an array of support services to help students navigate university life. …
University Identity | HKBU Communication and Public Relations …
The University logo, embodying a book and water motif, is adopted after the institution was granted university status in November. The acronym "BU" coupled with the outline of a book …
大学校徽及标志 ︳香港浸会大学传讯公关处
大学标志在浸会大学获正名后开始使用。 校名的英文缩写 "BU" 与书本图案结合,形成与汉字「迎」及「进」相似的图案,意味中西文化的融合。 我们使用Cookies为您提供更好的浏览体验。 如果您继续浏览本网站而没有更改您的私隐设定,表示您同意我们使用Cookies。 如欲了解更多,请参阅我们的 私隐政策声明及收集个人资料声明。
Digital Learning & Teaching@HKBU
Moodle Login: Kahoot!
香港浸会大学 - Hong Kong Baptist University
Requisition should be made by filling in the “Request for Electronic Images of Logo” form available on the SCE intranet. For any queries, please contact the Section by e-mail at [email protected]. For consistency and promotion of corporate image, the guidelines must be observed strictly.
香港浸會大學 - Hong Kong Baptist University
T&L with AI @ HKBU
Provide space and time for individuals to understand and develop themselves as unique individuals within the university teaching and learning ecosystem. You can either download the principles directly through the button below or by logging into BUniport to access. Approved by the Senate in June 2023, effective from AY2023/2024.