校園地圖 - Hong Kong Baptist University
九龍塘校園由三個校園組成,包括善衡校園、逸夫校園及浸會大學道校園。 港鐵. 九龍塘站為最近之地鐵站。 閣下可以由此步行或乘搭專線小巴至九龍塘校園。 經過沙福道後轉入窩打老道(北行),然後轉右步行至聯合道。 巴士. 閣下可以乘搭任何途經以下巴士站之路線。 我們使用Cookies為您提供更好的瀏覽體驗。 如果您繼續瀏覽本網站而沒有更改您的私隱設定,表示您同意我們使用Cookies。 如欲了解更多,請參閱我們的 私隱政策聲明及收集個人資料聲明。 Find …
Campus Map - HKBU - Hong Kong Baptist University
The Kowloon Tong Campus comprises three campuses, namely Baptist University Road Campus (BURC), Ho Sin Hang Campus (HSHC), and Shaw Campus (SHAW). The nearest MTR station is Kowloon Tong Station. From there you can walk or take the minibus to our Kowloon Tong Campus. Find your way across our campuses. Read our maps here.
校园地图 - Hong Kong Baptist University
九龙塘校园由三个校园组成,包括善衡校园、逸夫校园及浸会大学道校园。 九龙塘站为最近之地铁站。 阁下可以由此步行或乘搭专线小巴至九龙塘校园。 经过沙福道后转入窝打老道(北行),然后转右步行至联合道。 巴士 阁下可以乘搭任何途经以下巴士站之路线。 我们使用Cookies为您提供更好的浏览体验。 如果您继续浏览本网站而没有更改您的私隐设定,表示您同意我们使用Cookies。 如欲了解更多,请参阅我们的 私隐政策声明及收集个人资料声明。 Find your way …
David C. Lam Building (DLB) Title: HKBU Campus Map Created Date: 8/1/2018 4:59:30 PM
為節省候車時間,可由港鐵九龍塘站A2出口步行至各校園,行程只需.. Low-Rise Buildings (RL1 & RL2) 低座校舍第一及第二座Dr.
Campus Map - Hong Kong Baptist University
Explore the campus of Hong Kong Baptist University with our detailed map.
HKBU Campus Map AAB Canteen (Kowloon Tong) Ho Sin Hang Campus Sh aw C mpus Baptist University Road Campus. Title: campus1.cdr Author: default Created Date:
- [PDF]
hkbu campus map
Title: hkbu_campus_map Created Date: 5/5/2021 2:18:02 PM
School of Business - MScAAF - HKBU
An unique master's degree programme in Hong Kong that provides training on integrated knowledge and skills in accounting and finance to professionals who will be at home in both fields.
Director's Message - Hong Kong Baptist University
Eight Good Reasons to Study for a Master of Science in Applied Accounting and Finance at HKBU: Learn about accounting and finance in one of the world's leading international financial centers. The programme is a unique master degree programme in Hong Kong that combines the best of both worlds in accounting and finance.