Hong Kong Baptist University - Graduate School - HKBU
Propel your research potential through HKBU’s diverse, interdisciplinary PhD programmes. Unlock new possibilities and drive innovative solutions.
Programmes - Hong Kong Baptist University - Graduate School
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme; Institute of Transdisciplinary Studies (ITS) Programme
Admission | HKBU Graduate School - Hong Kong Baptist University
HKBU offers Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Programmes admitting students from all over the world. Built on our external global networks, we also collaborate with …
School of Business - Research Postgraduate Programme - HKBU
Advance your research career with the HKBU School of Business PhD programme, offering training, overseas attachment, and resources for impactful business research.
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme - Postgraduates Programmes, HKBU …
Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) invites candidates from all cultural and ethnic backgrounds, with evidence of academic excellence, research ability and potential, and good …
phD programmes – Department of Education and Psychology
The PhD Programme helps equip graduates with the essential academic knowledge and skills that enable them to function effectively and competently as academics, researchers, and/or …
Admission Requirements | BUSRPG, HKBU
Applicants seeking admission to the PhD degree programme should possess: (A) master’s degree from a recognized university or comparable institution; or (B) bachelor’s degree with first class …
[长期] 招收机器学习方向 PhD/RA/Visiting Students – 香港浸会大 …
本人 (陈奕帆) 将于2023年秋季起在香港浸会大学 (Hong Kong Baptist University, HKBU) 计算机科学系和数学系 (affiliated) 担任助理教授。 我在复旦大学获得理学学士学位 (2018) ,在伊利诺 …
博士申请攻略 | 香港浸会大学 (HKBU)PhD导师简介 - 知乎
教授是香港浸会大学 中医药学院 的讲座教授兼院长,同时担任香港浸会大学 沈燿芬沈碧泉癌症与炎症研究中心 (CCIR)主任。 教授于1983年获得江西中医药大学学士学位,随后在中国中医科 …
Admission - 4 year PhD Programme | HKBU Graduate School
Learn more about HKBU's 4-year PhD Programme, including coursework requirements, examinations and research opportunities.