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The HKUST International Case Competition (HKICC) is a premier business case competition in Asia, organized by the HKUST Business School since 2003. The competition brings together talented teams from global business schools to compete for the championship in Hong Kong.
The Main case and Challenge round presentation of HKICC 2024 will be held at Lee Shau Kee Business Building, it is located atop the HKUST main campus, and the main case presentation will be held on the executive training floor with three lecture theaters, a resources room, lounge area and break-out rooms.
cou209-i 抑鬱與哀傷輔導 (3學分) psy102-an 發展心理學 (3學分) psy301-n 沉溺行為輔導 (3學分)
香港兆基創意書院 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
香港兆基創意書院 (英語: HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity)是 香港 一間 直資學校 [1],而其簡稱為HKSC或創意書院,也是香港第一所以研習藝術、設计和文化為主的中學,位於 九龍城區 樂富 以南的 九龍仔,由李兆基基金會贊助及香港當代文化中心主辦,校監為香港當代文化中心創辦人 黃英琦。 香港兆基創意書院於2006年創立,是香港第一所藝術高中。 開校後的第一任正式校長為前教育界 立法會議員 葉建源,第二任校長為獨立文化藝術工作者 馮美華 (英 …
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About HKICC HKUST International Case Competition. Latest News. Contact Us Nice to Meet You
We are delighted to extend a warm welcome to all participants of the HKUST International Case Competition (HKICC) 2024! Addressing real business challenges demands the integration of diverse viewpoints, innovative problem-solving skills, and a strong foundation in financial analysis and feasibility assessment.
The Hong Kong International Computer Conference (HKICC) is an annual flagship event organised by the Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS) since 1978 and is one of the best and most popular ICT conferences in Hong Kong.
HKUST International Case Competition - Undergraduate Programs
The HKUST International Case Competition (HKICC) is a premier business case competition in Asia, organized by the HKUST Business School since 2003. The competition brings together talented teams from global business schools to compete for the championship in Hong Kong.
培養具有全球視野和社會責任感的未來創新者。 香港創新科技教育研究聯會 著作權所有,並保留一切權利。
HKUST International Case Competition (HKICC) - LinkedIn
The HKUST International Case Competition (HKICC) is a premier business case competition in Asia, organized by the HKUST Business School since 2003. The competition...