A data user should not issue to an individual any card (not being a HKID Card or driving licence) bearing in a legible form the HKID Card number of that individual, including such number in its original or an altered form from which it is reasonably …
By far the most commonly used personal identifier in Hong Kong is the HKID Card number. HKID Card numbers are commonly collected and used by an organisation1 to identify individuals and manage records related to them. Copies of HKID Card are often collected by an organisation for use as evidence of its dealings with the individuals concerned.
This compliance guide provides a step-by-step guide for data users to comply with the Code of Practice on the Identity Card Number and other Personal Identifiers in the collection, accuracy, retention, use and security of the Hong Kong Identity Card (“HKID Card”) numbers, copies of the HKID Card and other personal identifiers.
Cap. 486 Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance - e-Legislation
appl% means to find documents having “apply”, “applies”, “applying”, “application” etc.
A provision is presumed to be correctly stated as at the above version date if it is on a page marked at the bottom with: . the words “Verified Copy”; and . the last updated date shown in this table for the page.
log book ( 紀錄簿), in relation to a data user, means the log book kept and maintained by the data user under section 27(1); matching procedure ( 核對程序) means any procedure whereby personal data collected for 1 or more purposes in respect of 10 or more data subjects is compared (except by manual means) with personal data collected for any other purpose in …
Hong Kong Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data …
2024年10月9日 · The Code offers practical guidance to organizations as data users on the use, collection, accuracy, retention, and security of Hong Kong Identity Card (“HKID Card”) numbers, HKID Card copies and other personal identifiers. The revised Code takes into account more recent challenges brought by contemporary technological developments.
Hong Kong’s Data Protection Law – The PDPO
2024年1月11日 · The PDPO imposes a number of requirements on data users, including that they expressly inform the data subject on or before collection of their personal data of the purposes for which their personal information will be used and the classes of persons to whom their personal information may be transferred.
Use of ID card numbers and ID card copies - CLIC
2003年6月2日 · To regulate the use of this sensitive personal data, the PCPD published in July 2015 and revised in August 2020 the note entitled Guidance on Collection of and Use of Biometric Data. NOTE: The below questions and answers only highlight the general points of the Code.
Codes of Practice/ Guidelines
Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Codes of Practice/ Guidelines Codes of Practice / Guidelines Other Related Explanatory Documents Code of ...