With your My HKT account, you may manage your PCCW/HKT service accounts anytime anywhere and enjoy our unique customer services including checking your bills, testing your line status and rebooting your broadband modem/Now TV set-top box. You may also get support via “Live Chat” if needed. Forgot Login ID or Password? New to My HKT?
客戶服務 | 主頁 - HKT
以一個賬戶去檢閱賬單及同時管理您的電訊盈科/香港電訊服務。 新用戶? Hong Kong's premier telecommunications service provider for the public, local and international businesses.
HKT | Our Business | PCCW
PCCW is at the heart of the digitally connected world. We are making your digital world come alive with our expertise in telecommunications, media and IT solutions. Main Page; ... HKT (SEHK: 6823) is Hong Kong's premier telecommunications service provider and a leading innovator. Its fixed-line, broadband, mobile communication and media ...
聯絡我們 | 主頁 | HKT
Hong Kong's premier telecommunications service provider for the public, local and international businesses.
香港電訊 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
香港電訊被盈科數碼動力收購後,香港電話有限公司中文名稱不變,但英文名稱改為PCCW-HKT Telephone Limited。 而由於香港電話有限公司,實質擁有電訊盈科旗下的香港固網業務,加上電訊盈科本身的負債較大,因此電訊盈科以香港電話有限公司的資產,申請 信貸評 ...
電訊盈科 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
電訊盈科有限公司 (英語: PCCW Limited)、簡稱 電訊盈科 、 電盈,行內稱 老電,是一家以香港為總部的環球公司,在電訊、媒體、資訊科技服務方案、物業發展及投資以及其他業務均持有權益。 2000年8月17日,盈科數碼動力(Pacific Century Cyber Works Limited,簡稱PCCW、亦是合併成電訊盈科所採用的)與香港電訊合併 [2],曾保留「香港電訊」為其品牌,但其後品牌易名為電訊盈科。 香港電訊被 盈科數碼動力 收購後,「香港電話有限公司」的名稱不變,但英文名 …
PCCW - Wikipedia
PCCW Limited (formerly known as Pacific Century CyberWorks Limited) is a Hong Kong–based information and communication technology (ICT) and telecommunications company. The company is the major owner of telecommunications company HKT Limited, and also holds a major interest in Pacific Century Premium Developments Limited. PCCW headquartered in ...
About HKT - PCCW
HKT is the first local mobile operator to launch a true 5G network in Hong Kong. Backed by its substantial holding of 5G spectrum across all bands and a robust and extensive fiber backhaul infrastructure, HKT is committed to providing comprehensive 5G …
Hong Kong Telecom - Wikipedia
It has a dominant position in fixed-line, mobile, IDD and broadband services in Hong Kong. HKT Group is a subsidiary of PCCW since 2000, after it was acquired from Cable & Wireless plc.
HKT 香港電訊 - 商業寬頻上網﹑ 固網電話及中小企數碼轉型方案
香港電訊 (SEHK: 6823) 提供各類型數碼方案以配合本地中小企的業務需要,包括極速穩定的流動網絡通訊服務﹑智能收款系統以及一系列雲端管理和遙距營銷方案。 作為香港領先的電訊服務商,我們提供獨特的「四網合一」體驗,聯同母公司電訊盈科和網上平台The Club,透過寬頻、流動通訊、雲端服務以及商用電子產品等協助中小企業數碼轉型,拓展商機。 © Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited 2020. 本公司保留所有權利. 電訊盈科PCCW旗下香港電訊 …