Downloads | HL-1222WE | Others | Brother
Windows 11; Windows XP (32-bit) Windows 10 (32-bit) Windows XP (64-bit) Windows 10 (64-bit) Windows Server 2016; Windows 8.1 (32-bit) Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit)
Is Brother HL-1222WE best bang for the buck for home printing ... - Reddit
Seems that Brother HL-1222WE is the answer, but maybe I'm missing something. It sure is! While this one does not actually have an ethernet port, it does have WiFi. If your WiFi AP isn't very far away, I think it'll still work fine.
Specifications | HL-1222WE | Others | Brother
You can connect your machine to a network for Network Printing. Also included is Brother BRAdmin Light Network Management software.
Manuals | HL-1222WE | Others | Brother
For basic information about the product. Default login password information for network utilities. Safety instructions to read before attempting to operate the product, or before attempting any …
Brother HL 1222 WE Laser Printer - Amazon.co.uk
2017年5月18日 · E' una ottima stampante, facile da utilizzare. E' piccole e compatta, adatta per essere inserita in spazi ristretti. Non è silenziosissima ma stampa velocemente. I due sportelli di stampa si possono chiudere e ciò consente di proteggere la stampante dalla polvere o da sversamenti accidentali.
- 评论数: 9
User manual Brother HL-1222WE (English - 79 pages)
The Brother HL-1222WE printer is a monochrome printer that utilizes laser print technology. It does not support color printing and does not have duplex printing capabilities. The maximum ISO A-series paper size it can handle is A4.
Brother HL-1222WE Sterowniki i materiały do pobrania | Brother
Znajdź najnowsze sterowniki, narzędzia oraz oprogramowanie do Brother HL-1222WE. Kompatybilne z urządzeniami pracującymi na systemach Windows, Mac, Linux oraz Mobile
Brother HL-1222WE, Imprimanta laser monocrom A4 - eMAG.ro
Imprimanta laser mono compacta cu wireless, ideala pentru grupuri de lucru mici. Ofera o viteza de imprimare de 20 de pagini pe minut, iar datorita tonerului de capacitate mai mare la un pret redus veti putea imprima fara griji. - Indicator LED. Brand: Brother.
- 评论数: 226
Imprimanta laser monocrom BROTHER HL-1222WE, A4, USB, …
Cumpara acum Imprimanta laser monocrom BROTHER HL-1222WE, A4, USB, Wi-Fi la pretul de 509.9 lei
- 评论数: 26
Vásárlás: Brother HL-1222WE Multifunkciós nyomtató árak ...
Egy megfizethető, kompakt és gyors nyomtatót keres, amelyre mindig számíthat? Akkor a Brother HL-1222WE nyomtató minden igényét kielégíti! Ez az egyszerű lézernyomtató gyors, akár 20 oldalas percenkénti nyomtatást biztosít a 32 MB-os nyomtatási memóriának köszönhetően.