HLA-DR2 - Wikipedia
HLA-DR2 (DR2) of the HLA-DR serotype system, is a broad antigen serotype that is now preferentially covered by HLA-DR15 and HLA-DR16 serotype group. This serotype primarily …
HLA-DR - Wikipedia
HLA-DR is an MHC class II cell surface receptor encoded by the human leukocyte antigen complex on chromosome 6 region 6p21.31. The complex of HLA-DR ( H uman L eukocyte A …
HLA-DR - 百度百科
hla-dr是mhc-ii类分子,含有2个分子量分别为36kd和27kd的亚基(α亚基和β亚基)。hla-dr表达于 b淋巴细胞 、 单核细胞 、 巨噬细胞 、活化t 淋巴细胞 、活化 nk 淋巴细胞和人 祖细胞 上。它 …
HLA-DR2 - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
HLA-DR2 is a specific genetic marker that is commonly found in nearly 100% of confirmed narcoleptic patients, but its diagnostic value is limited as a significant portion of the general …
Specific combinations of HLA-DR2 and DR3 class II haplotypes
2007年4月4日 · These data provide convincing evidence that particular combinations of HLA Class II DR2 and DR3 haplotypes are key determinants of autoantibody production and …
人类白细胞抗原 (HLA) 系统 - 免疫学; 过敏性疾病 - MSD诊疗手 …
在hla系统中,由i类和ii类基因位点编码的、通过血清学方法定义的抗原被赋予了标准的命名(例如,hla-a1、-b5、-c1、-dr1)。 通过DNA测序鉴定等位基因,并通过以下方式命名以区分不同的 …
HLA-DR与感染性疾病 - 国际免疫学杂志 - Yiigle.com
Expression of Recombinant HLA-DR2 Molecules
Soluble HLA-DR2 molecules were expressed for structural and functional characterization of the MHC/peptide/T cell receptor recognition unit. The α and β; chains of DR2 (encoded by the …
Expression and crystallization of the complex of HLA-DR2 (DRA, …
1998年9月9日 · HLA-DR2 is associated with susceptibility to multiple sclerosis (MS). A peptide from human myelin basic protein (MBP, residues 85–99) was previously found to bind to …
HLA-DR2引起的疾病 - 百度
2023年4月2日 · hla-dr2是人体的一组基因,hla-dr2异常改变可能引起的疾病有系统性红斑狼疮、硬皮病、原发性开角青光眼等。 若患者发现自己有以上疾病所引起的症状,建议及时到医院的 …