windows系统HLK,HCK驱动签名全过程描述 - CSDN博客
2024年12月10日 · "Windows HLK(Hardware Lab Kit)是一个用于测试Windows 10硬件设备的框架,确保设备符合微软的Windows徽标认证标准。它包括控制器(HLK Controller)和工作室(HLK Studio)两个主要组件,前者负责测试执行和管理,...
Windows Hardware Lab Kit Filters | Microsoft Learn
2019年1月18日 · Download the latest HLK Filters. If your HLK environment doesn't have access to the Internet, you can copy the file to your test server. Both HLK and HCK filters are stored in the same HCKFilterUpdates.cab filters file, there is no separate file for HLK. Review the ReadMe file to learn how to install the filters on the controller.
Troubleshooting Windows HLK Test Failures | Microsoft Learn
2020年11月5日 · We recommend that you use this guide as your starting point to troubleshoot Windows Hardware Lab Kit (Windows HLK) test failures. This article describes possible test failures and provides step-by-step instructions on how to troubleshoot them.
Windows Hardware Certification | Microsoft Community Hub
2025年2月18日 · In support of the annual feature update, the Windows Hardware Compatibility Program (WHCP) will also release a Hardware Lab Kit (HLK) update to complement the feature updates within the Windows relea...
2020年5月29日 · HLK是一种由微软自行开发的测试 自动化 工具,适用于各类驱动与 windows 系统的 兼容性测试。 通过HLK测试的驱动产品可授予微软官方认证,证实产品可在windows操作系统下稳定、可靠的运行,是我司860项目测试工作的重要部分。 windows HLK安装环境包括两大部分,一个是HLK测试专用服务器,一个是测试系统(客户端PC),服务器与客户端是一对多的关系。 测试服务器需要配置Windows HLK控制器软件和Windows HLK Studio管理工具,且该服务器 …
HLK Test Reference | Microsoft Learn
HLK Test Reference. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Download Microsoft Edge More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. Table of …
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Windows Hardware Dev Center | Microsoft Developer
The Windows Hardware Lab Kit (HLK) is used to validate hardware and drivers for Windows compatibility. Download the latest public version here or join the Insider Program to get access to insider builds. The Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) is used to customize, deploy and benchmark Windows 10 images.
Running USB Type-C System HLK tests with the Type-C MUTT
2018年10月12日 · The Type-C MUTT allows the HLK tests to emulate and automate all scenarios in next release of the HLK that previously may have required manual intervention. You can select all of them at once, or only run a subset of them if you wish.
USB Bus Controller Testing Prerequisites | Microsoft Learn
2020年11月5日 · To run USB Bus Controller Tests, a Windows 10 Mobile device currently requires a separate dedicated USB function controller that can provide connectivity to the HLK server. This is in addition to the USB host controller or USB dual-role controller being tested. Typically this will be an engineering device rather than a retail device.