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wnacg 紳士漫畫 - Userstyles.org
Style Wnacg with the custom theme wnacg 紳士漫畫 by Evan Tseng. Check out more themes and styles at Userstyles.org.
紳士漫畫站本身的bug的解決方案 · Issue #135 · PureDark/H-Viewer · GitHub
2023年3月6日 · 紳士漫畫有時候會有頁面變成手機版,導致無法正常分析,所以在indexRule裡面增加了選擇手機版的元素的選擇器。 "cover": { "regex": "([^\"]*\\.(?:jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp|webp))", "selector": "div.pic_box a img, a.ImgA img" . }, "datetime": { "fun": "text", "regex": "(\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2})", "selector": "div.info div.info_col, span.info" . }, "idCode": { "fun": "attr", "param": "href",
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