HMS C29 - Wikipedia
HMS C29 was one of 38 C-class submarines built for the Royal Navy in the first decade of the 20th century. C29 served in the First World War until she was sunk by mine on 29 August 1915. The C-class boats of the 1907–08 and subsequent Naval Programmes were modified to improve their speed, both above and below the surface.
HMS C29 | Military Wiki | Fandom
HMS C29 was a British C class submarine built by Vickers, Barrow. She was laid down on 4 June 1908 and was commissioned on 17 September 1909. C29 sank a merchant ship while patrolling the Gulf of Riga in the Baltic.
各国海军舰艇名前的缩写都有哪些? - 知乎
HMS-意为“His/Her Majesty's Ship/陛下的船”,毕竟皇家海军嘛。 皇家海军现役作战舰艇用此前缀。 RFA-意为“Royal Fleet Auxiliary/皇家军辅舰队”,皇家海军里辅助舰只——包括补给舰、甚至也包括LSD/两栖船坞登陆舰——用此前缀。
HMS C29 - World Naval Ships Directory
Name : HMS C29 Laid Down : 4th June 1908 Launched : 19th June 1909 Completed : 17th September 1909 Type : Submarine Class : C Builder : Vickers Country : UK Pennants : C29 Fate : Lost 29 September 1915
Lives of the First World War
The seventeen men who lost their lives on duty in H.M. Submarine C.29: Andrew Ahern, Able Seaman, Service #208176 (Dev); Frederick Walter Bignell, Stoker Petty Officer, Service #308618 (Po); Frederick Gordon Chambers, Leading Stoker, Service #363343 (Po); Edward James Darby, Able Seaman, Service #J.9319 (Ch); 1st Lieutenant Tim Evelyn Evans; Wil...
C29 - Wikipedia
Sauber C29, a Swiss Formula One car; Ships. HMS C29, a C-class submarine of the Royal Navy
HMS C29 in the Great War - The Wartime Memories Project
Want to know more about HMS C29? There are:1 items tagged HMS C29 available in our Library These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
HMS C29 — Вікіпедыя
HMS C29 — брытанская падводная лодка тыпу С. Пабудавана ў 1908-1909 гадах кампніяй Vickers, на верфі Бараў-ін-Фёрнас, дзе судна было спушчана 19 чэрвеня 1909 года. Яна пачала службу ў Каралеўскім флоце 17 верасня 1909 года. Падчас Першай сусветнай вайны была размешчана ў Лейце (англ.) (бел., дзе была ўключана ў …
HMS C29 - AcademiaLab
El HMS C29 fue uno de los 38 submarinos de clase C construidos para la Marina Real Británica en la primera década del siglo XX. El C29 sirvió en la Primera Guerra Mundial hasta que fue hundido por una mina el 29 de agosto de 1915.
HMS C-29 Roll of Honour - MaritimeQuest
2007年6月11日 · Website with searchable ship database about warships, passenger liners, merchant ships, photo galleries, technical details, stories, news and much more.