TOG2 - Wikipedia
The TOG 2, officially known as the Heavy Tank, TOG II, was a British super-heavy tank design produced during the early stages of World War II for a scenario where the battlefields of northern France and Belgium devolved into a morass of mud, trenches, and craters as had happened during World War I.
Players' Guide to the TOG II* | General News | World of Tanks
2016年4月23日 · Ever wanted to drive a battleship, but tend to get seasick? The TOG II* is the size of a small warship, but on land! While you won't blitz across the battlefield, you'll proceed at a dignified pace. It's affectionately known as the "Love Boat" or "HMS TOG" among its loyal fans.
大英优秀巡洋舰:TOG II步兵坦克 - 哔哩哔哩
TOG II是特殊车辆开发委员会所开发出来的第二款车型,TOG II保留了TOG I很多特征,加装“挑战者 A30”巡洋坦克的炮塔以及QF 17磅炮。 TOG II型坦克主要是针对法国北部的泥泞作战环境设计的,而且它还应当能克服阵地上的战壕和种种障碍。 林肯福特斯公司于1940年受命制造,1941年3月完成了第一次原型车试验。 虽然配备了与TOG I相同的机电驱动引擎,但TOG2的双发电机再未出现相关问题。 因对扭杆悬挂簧等其它零件进行了修整,TOG II于1943年5月进行试验并取得了 …
TOG II* - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The TOG II* is a British tier 6 premium heavy tank. Developed for trench warfare. Initially, armament was to be placed in the front part of the hull and side sponsons. However, later it was decided not to add the sponsons and instead mount a turret. By 1943, when the TOG II* was completed and ready for trials, it was already obsolete.
TOG2 重型坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年11月16日 · TOG2 重型坦克,是第二次世界大战初期,由英国研发与制造的重型坦克,主要针对法国北部泥泞又充满壕沟的战场而设计。 此坦克是 TOG1 重型坦克 的唯一一个改良型。 本车是特殊车辆开发委员会所开发出来的第二款车型,TOG2基本上沿袭自TOG1,两者有许多相同的特征,但是TOG2在各方面都比TOG1更强,最大的强化就是使用了29磅坦克炮。 TOG2在1940年完成设计并发包给William Foster & Co制造,第一辆原型车在1941年3月出场并进行测试。 …
TOG II* VI - skill4ltu Index
2021年4月1日 · This is a proposed field modification from skill4ltu for TOG II*. Hover the skills and perks to get full description of each. As of 5 September 2024, with the 1.26 Update, crew transfers have become much easier. You can now move crews between vehicles with fewer restrictions.
Dreams Come True — TOG II: The Old Gang’s Land Battleship
2023年11月8日 · The legendary TOG II, which we’ve seen your excitement for after last week’s announcement, has finally arrived to War Thunder as part of the game’s on-going “Dreams Come True” 11th anniversary event. Participate and complete 6 stages in this event, and the TOG II will be forever yours!
Long, Isn't It? The TOG II* is Here! | Specials | World of Tanks
2019年7月23日 · Ever wanted to drive a battleship, but tend to get seasick? The TOG II* is the size of a small warship, but on land! While you won't blitz across the battlefield, you'll proceed at a dignified pace. The TOG is also affectionately known as the "Land Yacht," "HMS TOG," "XP Piñata," and other monikers among its loyal fans.
World Of Tanks: HMS TOG II* Boat - YouTube
2018年3月30日 · Near April fools, World Of Tanks Console offers a special event of the HMS TOG II*. This ship/tank traverses around a sea map, were the only cover is land. I...
HMS TOG II* - World of Tanks PS4版 Wiki* - WIKIWIKI
2018年6月1日 · HMS TOG の主兵装は最先端のテクノロジーを駆使して開発された強力な主砲です。 瞬時に3発砲弾を撃ちだすことができるこの砲は、恐るべき瞬間火力を発揮します。 この装備では徹甲弾 (AP)と榴弾 (HE)を使い分けることが出来ます。 この主砲では使用する砲弾の種類に応じて射撃モードを切り替えることができる特別な機能が搭載されています。 AP 弾を使用すると慣れ親しんだ第三者視点で操作を行う事ができ、HE 弾を使用すると自走砲モード視点 …