• In a well-lit room, have the person being tested sit 10 feet from the HOTV Distance Chart (either the printed chart taped to a wall or the chart displayed on the computer screen). • If you do not have enough space to sit 10 feet from the chart, the person can sit 5 feet from the chart.
HOTV Eye Chart (10 ft) - Visual Acuity Charts - Precision Vision
HOTV chart features notations printed on each side of the chart to help prevent confusion while scoring and recording acuity vision. Also, HOTV chart includes a response key (CAT. NO. 2011 and 2012) for more precise scoring and easier vision testing.
HOTV/Allen Figure Test - 10 Foot, 21.5" x 11.5" - Keeler USA
10 foot HOTV double-sided acuity chart for illiterate patients. Has HOTV letters on one side and Allen figures on the other. Translucent, washable plastic. Measures 21.5" x 11.5". Manufactured by Bernell. Comes as singles.
To check the visual acuity of children who do not know the alphabet or have difficulty with the LEA SYMBOLS® or HOTV wall chart. Visual acuity is screened at a distance of 10-feet using the Massachusetts Visual Acuity Flip Chart with age-appropriate optotypes (symbols or …
Visual acuity is checked using a standardized LEA SYMBOLS® or HOTV chart with 50% spaced rectangle boxes around each line. LEA SYMBOLS® or HOTV wall chart (10 foot); positioned at the child’s eye level. LEA SYMBOLS®/HOTV response card or individual flash cards. Measuring tool for marking a 10-foot distance between the vision chart and the child.
HOTV Mass. Visual Acuity Test for 10 feet (3 meters)
An HOTV distance chart with 50% spaced rectangles (Massachusetts Visual Acuity Test format). Line sizes range from 10/50 to 10/8 (20/100 to 20/16) equivalent. This chart can either be wall mounted or used in an ESV1200, ESV1500, or a Model A+ illuminated cabinet. Features 10 ft and 20 ft notations only.
MASS. HOTV Non-Folding Chart Set for 10 feet (3 meters)
HOTV Folding Chart Set for 10 feet (3 meters) A pediatric eye chart featuring HOTV optotypes for screening/testing the vision of children and adults 3 years and older. This eye chart folds in half for added mobility or easy storage.
HOTV Eye Chart - 10' Distance | Amcon Labs
The HOTV Eye Chart is a translucent, 10-foot eye test chart featuring wide-spaced line sizes ranging from 20/100 to 20/16 for accurate vision screening. Can be wall-hung or used in an illuminated cabinet
HOTV Linear Spaced Chart for 10 feet (3 meters) - accuspire
An HOTV distance chart with linear-spaced lines; line sizes range from 10/50 to 10/8 (20/100 to 20/16) equivalent. This chart can either be wall mounted or used in an ESV1200 , ESV1500 , or a Model A+ illuminated cabinet.
HOTV Distance ESV1200™ and ESV1500™ Chart MASSTEST
An HOTV distance chart with 50% spaced rectangles (Massachusetts Visual Acuity Test format). Line sizes range from 10/50 to 10/8 (20/100 to 20/16) equivalent. This chart can either be wall mounted or used in an ESV1200™, ESV1500™, or a Model A+ illuminated cabinet. Features 10 ft and 20 ft notations only. Set includes