Mass Spectrometry - Agilent/HP 5989 - Supplies/Services
The HP 5989 (MS Engine) is a quadrupole MS, introduced circa early ~1990's. It interfaces to the HP 5890 GC. Versions include the 5989A and 5989B. It is part of the 5980 series (circa 1980's), including the 5980, 5981, 5982, 5983, 5984, 5985/B, …
HP 5989 MS ( Hewlett-Packard ) | EVISA's Instruments Database
2025年1月3日 · Features Electron Ionization (EI) and Chemical Ionization (CI) operation, negative and positive detection, heated source, heated transferline, 10-800 amu mass range, and two mechanical vacuum pumps coupled with two diffusion pumps. ...
HP 5989 MS Engine - Laboratory Network.com
The HP 5989 MS Engine Includes EI and CI operation, Negative and Positive Detection, Heated Source, Heated Transferline, 10-800 mass range, two Mechanical Vacuum Pumps, and coupled with two Diffusion Pumps.
Hewlett Packard HP 5989B Mass Spectrometer
The Hewlett Packard HP 5989B Mass Spectrometer measures the mass to charge ratio of charged particles, determinine the elemental composition of a sample, and for elucidating the chemical structures of molecules, such as peptides and other chemical compounds.
Agilent - 5989 / Literature
Design of a Direct Exposure Probe and Controller for use ona Hewlett-Packard 5989 Mass Spectrometer
[跪求]谁能帮忙翻译一下这段话呀? - 百度知道
2008年6月12日 · 一,惠普的HP 5989一女士引擎的GC / MS配备了惠普7673自动采样器(惠普公司,美国加州Palo Alto ,美国)是受雇来分析同一样本,以检查可能存在的化合物干预的决心,有机过氧化物的含量。
Agilent (Hewlett Packard) 5989 Probe Inlet with stops
This new Probe Inlet System for the H.P. 5988 and 5989 mass spectrometers has been designed to prevent the occasional venting of the mass spectrometer by accidentally pulling the probe past the vacuum seals. The inlet system mounts to the probe inlet port on the H.P. mass spectrometers via the standard 'O' Ring sealing system supplied with the ...
5989-5733EN Datasheet (PDF) - Agilent (Hewlett-Packard)
Part #: 5989-5733EN. Download. File Size: 845Kbytes. Page: 13 Pages. Description: Segmented Memory Acquisition for Agilent InfiniiVision Series Oscilloscopes. Manufacturer: Agilent(Hewlett-Packard).
HP Agilent Mass Spectrometer Spare Parts, Boards and Assemblies ...
HP 5970, HP 5988 and HP 5989 Spare Parts, Boards and Assemblies. Spare parts, boards and assemblies for the HP Mass Spectrometers. All are pre-tested and ready to install. Exchange is required in most cases, contact us for details. These are LIST PRICES, contact us to see if our inventory levels will accommodate a discount.
HP 5970, HP 5988 and HP 5989 Spare Parts, Boards and …
HP 5970, HP 5988 and HP 5989 Spare Parts, Boards and Assemblies Spare parts, boards and assemblies for the HP Mass Spectrometers. All are pre-tested and ready to install. Exchange is required in...