Hewlett-Packard 9100A - Wikipedia
The Hewlett-Packard 9100A (HP 9100A) is an early programmable calculator [3] (or computer), first appearing in 1968. HP called it a desktop calculator because, as Bill Hewlett said, "If we had called it a computer, it would have been rejected by our customers' computer gurus because it didn't look like an IBM .
HP 9100A/B
The HP 9100, built with magnetic core memory, printed circuit board ROM, a CRT display (and not a single digital IC chip) provided industrial strength calculating in a machine that weighed 40 pounds and cost just under $5000.
HP 9100 Technology and Packaging
HP 9100 Technology and Packaging No Digital IC Chips. There were no digital IC chips in the HP 9100. The arithmetic unit was all discrete circuitry. The RAM was magnetic cores, and the ROM came in both printed circuit board and wire braid toroidal core varieties. The only IC chips were a few op-amps used in the card reader board.
100MHz, X1/X10 被動式探棒, HP-9100 - 洛克儀器股份有限公司
洛克儀器股份有限公司提供的100MHz, X1/X10 被動式探棒, HP-9100的詳細資訊。
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The HP 9100 - First Desktop Calculator - HP Memory Project
The HP 9100 Computing Calculator . The model 9100A is introduced in the September, 1968, Hewlett-Packard Journal and appears for the first time in the 1969 catalog, page 130 with the following description: The 9100A is a programmable, electronic calculator which performs operations commonly encountered in scientific and engineering problems ...
Hewlett-Packard 9100 Programmable Calculator
In 1968 Hewlett-Packard introduced the 9100A calculator, a programmable reverse-polish notation (RPN) computing machine that could rapidly perform floating point, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions as well as vector and polar operations. It came with a built-in magnetic card reader/writer for program and data storage.
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Displays and describes the HP 9100 scientific and programmable desktop calculator, Hewlett Packard's first calculator, with no digital ICs
Hewlett-Packard HP9100 Calculator - ClassicCMP
The Hewlett-Packard HP9100 series calculator was the first of many calculators designed and manufactured by HP for scientists and engineers. HP introduced the 9100A in mid-1968 and followed with the 9100B model a few months later, which had double the memory capacity.