HPMicro focuses on microcontrollers, microprocessors, and supporting peripheral chips, as well as the development tools and ecosystem that serve these products.
中国高性能微控制器产品及嵌入式解决方案提供商上海先楫半导体科技有限公司(先楫半导体,HPMicro)闪耀登场,发布了专注于机器人运动与控制的高性能MCU产品——HPM6E8Y系列,为火热的机器人市场注入新的活力。 先楫半导体是一家致力于开发高性能嵌入解决方案的半导体公司;产品覆盖微控制器,微处理器和配套的周边芯片,以及为其服务的开发工具和生态系统。
Introduction-HPMicro Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
Founded in 2020, HPMicro has launched 6 series of general-purpose RISC-V MCUs that lead the market in computing power, graphic/display performance, real time connectivity and close-loop control capability. HPMicro is an ISO9001 and ISO 26262/IEC61508 company.
上海先楫半导体发布微控制器HPM6000系列 采用晶心AndesCore® …
2021年11月24日 · 目前全球性能最强的实时RISC-V微控制器HPM6000系列,主频高达 800MHz,创下超过9000 CoreMark™ 和4500 DMIPS性能的新记录. 【中国上海】 2021年11月24日,高性能嵌入式解决方案领导厂商上海先楫半导体 (HPMicro Semiconductor Co., LTD.)与32/64位RISC-V嵌入式处理器核心领导供货商晶心科技 (Andes Technology, TWSE: 6533; SIN: US03420C2089; ISIN: US03420C1099),今日共同发布目前全球性能最强的实时RISC-V微控 …
求助!裂解炉管标注“HP MICRO”是什么材质?哪个材料规范? …
2025年3月16日 · HP Micro Alloy 微合金钢是上世纪八,九十年代开发出来炉管材料, 其中含有少量合金元素(0.05至0.15%),包括铌,钒,钛,钼,锆,硼和稀土金属。 它们用于改善晶粒的微观结构或促进沉淀硬化。
HPM5300 Series-HPMicro Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
High-performance motion control MCU with strong performance, extensive interfaces, smaller packaging, and exceptional quality. What are you looking for?
HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen11 | HPE | OID1014826370
The HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen11 delivers an affordable, compact yet powerful entry server that you can customize for on-premises or for hybrid cloud possibilities while still meeting the enterprise-class performance, security, reliability, and expandability standards of the rest of the HPE ProLiant enterprise class server portfolio.
Micro Servers | HP® Official Store
Buy direct from HP. See customer reviews and comparisons for Micro Servers. Upgrades and savings on select products.
HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen8 | Product Support
2017年10月20日 · HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen8: Access product support documents and manuals, software, download drivers by operating environment, and view product support videos.
HPM6800 Series-HPMicro Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
The HPM6800 series MCU is a high-performance RISC-V core microcontroller developed by HPMicro Semiconductor Co.Ltd., which focuses on applications like graphic HMI and cluster display. The HPM6800 series provides a high-performance 2.5D OpenVG GPU, plus powerful display controler which supports dualscren display with MIP-DSI or LVDS interfaces.