Who is stll making RPN calculators, that is besides the HP-12?
2017年4月28日 · I recently trashed my HP-35S because of a very flaky keyboard. From looking around the internet it seems that the only Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculator still being manufactured is the HP-12 financial calculator. Not quite what I am looking for. Is this the end of RPN in engineering...
NEW RPN CALCULATORS - All About Circuits
2021年3月3日 · I recently found NEW RPN CALCULATORS being made in Switzerland, based on various HP models, using ONLY RPN MODE, but with current HW, and updatable firmware and OS. The build quality is also great (IMHO, better than HP). Just posting this as a LOVER of RPN, and seeing people wanting to find new models.
Wake up Faded Display on HP 32S Calculator? - All About Circuits
2018年10月4日 · I know I couldn't with a calculator that doesn't use RPN. Here's a screenshot of the virtual HP-42S on my PC: One really neat feature on that calculator is the Solve function, which will solve for any unknown variable in an equation after entering values for …
Open source console-based RPN calculator | All About Circuits
2009年7月18日 · I patterned the program after the HP-42s calculator. I spent a fair bit of time coming up with the number display algorithms so that the calculator would display numbers the way I like to see them in a variety of formats. The calculator handles integers, fixed-bit integers, rational numbers, real numbers, complex numbers, and dates/times.
Calculators - All About Circuits
2020年2月9日 · Really pretty cool for those who enjoyed the HP 42 calculators. I actually wore mine out to where I had to bend it to get certain keys to work. The I was gifted a TI83 Plus and used that till I retired but missed the HP RPN which I was so comfortable with. Here on my table lies a TI-31 which goes back 30 years and does fine on my computer table.
Texas Instruments NSpire calculator Octal Conversion
2021年5月10日 · The Windows calculator has lots of new features. I never use it except for the occasional hex-binary-decimal conversion, and it has octal too, When I want a calculator I almost always grab my old HP15C Just use the menu bar to choose the Programmer version.
RPN calculator using VHDL - All About Circuits
2017年5月8日 · The calculator should be able to group numbers using brackets, perform additions and substractions, AND and OR operations. For example, an expression could be: 4 + 5 AND 6 +(2 AND 7 OR 1) - (4 AND 10) I decided to code it as a RPN calculator and I used Dijkstra's Shunting-yard algorithm to transform the infix expression into a postfix one.
RPN Fixed point Calculator (HC12) - All About Circuits
2013年5月30日 · Using an HC12 with Cygwin and TerraTerm, I am designing a fixed point calculator. Being a little late to start I am seeking some solid help. The lab wants the format (-)x.x for entry and the result to be (-)xx.x This is an example for addition entry that will be of …
Solenoid force calculation - All About Circuits
2025年2月9日 · The formula given in the calculator is F = (N*I)2 μ0 A / (2 g2), But it doesn't specify from where the value of 'g' is calculated. Also, im looking for the force calculation of multilater solenoid. I'm required to redesign a solenoid bobbin- by reducing it's length and increasing the height/layers of coil winding. So how should I proceed for this?
Frequency Counter 2.0 - All About Circuits
2025年2月17日 · Frequency calculator of the given input signal using counter in 8051 and make the buzzer produce sound at ...