24" HP ZR2440w - Specifications
Specifications of HP ZR2440w. Display: 24 in, e-IPS, W-LED, 1920 x 1200 pixels, Viewing angles (H/V): 178 ° / 178 °, Brightness: 350 cd/m², Static contrast: 1000 : 1, Refresh rate: 24 Hz - 60 Hz, sRGB: 96 %, Adobe RGB: 74 %, NTSC: 71 %, Dimensions: 562 x 368 x 61 mm, Weight: 4.9 kg.
HP ZR2440w 24-inch LED Backlit IPS Monitor - amazon.com
The completely redesigned HP ZR2440w 24" LED Backlit IPS Monitor is a 16:10 LED-based display with a breadth of new features and an LED backlight in a design that is ultra-modern and sleeker than ever to perfectly complement HP Z Workstations.
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【HP ZR2440w】报价_参数_图片_论坛_HP ZR2440,2440w惠普显 …
这款显示器采用了友达Fast IPS面板和mini-LED背光矩阵技术,具备高动态范围影像和多达576个控光分区。 支持QD量子点技术、160Hz刷新率、1ms响应时间以及SDR/HDR亮度分别为450/1200 [阅读全文] **惠普HP ZHAN D27qs Monitor:专业办公的理想选择**在现代办公环境中,一款高效的显示器是提升工作效率的重要工具。 HP的战系列新品——ZHAN D27qs Monitor凭借其独特的设计和卓越性能,无疑是您工作空间的理想伙伴。 这款24款2 [阅读全文] 【惠普星Vision Pro 27 …
再发24吋新品!惠普ZR系列广视角评测 - PCPOP
2012年3月26日 · 惠普ZR2440w采用的是民用IPS面板,也是惠普第一款16:10的24吋广视角LED液晶。 标称亮度为350cd/m 2,比起同尺寸惠普的CCFL背光液晶略低50cd/m 2。 另外,这款24吋广视角LED的接口比较全面,除了DVI、HDMI以外还有DisplayPort接口,以及侧面和底部各两个的USB接口。 上页说过的,此图系惠普ZR2440w的侧面2×USB下行接口....
HP ZR2440w 24-inch LED Backlit IPS Monitor
Find full product specifications and compatibility information for your HP ZR2440w 24-inch LED Backlit IPS Monitor
惠普ZR2440w - 百度百科
能够显 展开 惠普zr2440w液晶显示器采用了16:10规格的24英寸led背光面板。 分辨率达到了1920×1200,标称最高亮度350cd/m2、最高对比度1000:1。 能够显示1670万种色彩,同时具备6ms的响应速度。
Models ZR2240w, ZR2440w, and ZR2740w use the HP Quick Release 2 mechanism for easy moving of the monitor. To mount the panel onto the pedestal: 1. Slide the mounting plate on the pedestal under the upper lip of the recess in the back of the panel. 2. Lower the pedestal into the recess until it snaps into place. 3.
HP ZR2440w LCD Monitor Review: 24-Inch Display Offers ... - PCWorld
2012年5月23日 · With its bright 350 cd/m 2 of luminance, 16:10 aspect ratio, and antireflective IPS screen, the ZR2440w earned a score of Very Good in all five measures. In addition, the ZR2440w offers a full...
HP ZR2440w 24-inch LED Backlit IPS Monitor | HP® Support
Find support and troubleshooting info including software, drivers, specs, and manuals for your HP ZR2440w 24-inch LED Backlit IPS Monitor