HP 38G - Wikipedia
The HP 38G (F1200A, F1892A) is a programmable graphing calculator by Hewlett-Packard (HP). It was introduced in 1995 with a suggested retail price of US$80 (equivalent to $170 in 2024). HP credits a committee of eight high school, community college, and university teachers with assisting in the design of the calculator.
HP 38G student graphic calculator, 1995
The HP 38G is a graphing calculator for high-school math and science teachers and students. Introduced in 1995 at $79.95, it supports aplets, small applications that can be developed as part of the curriculum and can be easily distributed from the teacher's calculator to the students'.
hpcalc.org - HP Calculator Archive
2025年2月17日 · The largest, best source on the Internet for software for and information about Hewlett Packard's HP Prime, HP 50g, HP 49G, HP 48 series, HP 38G, and HP 28 series graphic calculators.
HP 手持计算器编年史 (中部)(1983-2000) - 知乎专栏
hp 38g 于 1995 年 4 月 6 日推出,基本上是为了与其他 图形计算器 竞争,它甚至放弃了 RPN,转而支持代数语言和操作系统。 结合曲线拟合和分数显示模式。
【图片】【评测】hp-38G简评【fx-es (ms)吧】_百度贴吧
总结:38G的速度已经是慢到影响正常操作了,如果不是为了研究或收藏,请不要购买此机型。 【评测】hp-38G..本帖使用cc-by-sa 3.0版本协议授权,阁下可以随意使用其中文字和图片,但必须标明原作者和来源,并将其引申版本只能在cc-by-sa 3.0协议下发布。 1.外观需要注意的是,HP-38G的保护壳是和机身连在一起的设计,而非39gs的滑动设计.
HP 38G - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
HP 38G (F1200A, F1892A) 是一款由 惠普公司 于1995年发布的 图形计算器,这款计算器被设计用于高中与大学的教学,其最初的售价为80 美元。 HP 38G是基于高端产品HP 48G的阉割产品。 由于HP 38G的设计对象为教育业,其不像同系列的HP计算器一样带有 逆波兰 输入法,而使用中缀表示法。 但其依然带有aplets应用。 在2000年HP 38G被HP 39/40系列所取代 [1]。 ^ 存档副本. [2015-10-17]. (原始内容 存档 于2015-09-29).
Hewlett-Packard 38G student graphic calculator, 1995 | HPE
The HP 38G was a graphing calculator for high-school math and science teachers and students. Introduced in 1995 at $79.95, it supported applets, small applications that could be developed as part of the curriculum and easily distributed from the teacher's calculator to the students'.
HP 38G User's Guide - HP Calculator Literature
Free download of a black-and-white scan of the English-language book 'HP 38G User's Guide' by Hewlett-Packard, which is an owner's manual (user's guide, operating manual, owner handbook) for the HP 38G calculator.
HP 38G Graphing Calculator for sale online - eBay
The Hewlett-Packard 38g graphing calculator is a manual programmable machine introduced for use by high school students and teachers in the fields of math and science. It has 32 KB RAM of memory, displays in 8-line monochrome, and has an 8-bit character set.
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