【HP P22 G4】报价_参数_图片_论坛_HP 21.5英寸显示器惠普显示 …
这款显示器采用了友达Fast IPS面板和mini-LED背光矩阵技术,具备高动态范围影像和多达576个控光分区。 支持QD量子点技术、160Hz刷新率、1ms响应时间以及SDR/HDR亮度分别为450/1200 [阅读全文] **惠普HP ZHAN D27qs Monitor:专业办公的理想选择**在现代办公环境中,一款高效的显示器是提升工作效率的重要工具。 HP的战系列新品——ZHAN D27qs Monitor凭借其独特的设计和卓越性能,无疑是您工作空间的理想伙伴。 这款24款2 [阅读全文] 【惠普星Vision Pro 27 …
Amazon.com: HP P22h G4 22 Inch Class Monitor 2-Pack, FHD …
2020年12月4日 · HP P22h G4 22 Inch Class Monitor 2-Pack, FHD 1920 x 1080, LED Backlit, IPS, Vesa Compatible, Anti-Glare, Tilt (HDMI, VGA and DisplayPort) for Home and Office
HP P22 G4 22 FHD Monitor series The amazingly af fordable business display. Put your content front and center on the HP P22 G4 FHD Monitor. The st ylish, sleek design delivers essential presentation features, visual comfor t, and advanced connectivit y at a remarkable price point. C r i sp i ma ges fo r a ll you r co n te n t .
HP P22 G4 22 FHD 显示器系列 - 规格 | HP® 支持
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【惠普HP P22 G4参数】HP HP P22 G4显示器参数_规格_性能_功能 …
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HP P22 G4 22 FHD Monitor series | HP® Support - HP Customer …
Find support and troubleshooting info including software, drivers, specs, and manuals for your HP P22 G4 22 FHD Monitor series
HP 21.5吋 P22 G4 22 FHD 顯示器 - 香港格價網
面板/背光:IPS, 屏幕尺寸:21.5吋, 解像度:1920 x 1080, 對比度:1000:1, 亮度:250cd/㎡, 反應時間:5ms, 介面:VGA,DisplayPort,HDMI, 比較 HP 21.5吋 P22 G4 22 FHD 顯示器 價格,查看詳細規格、用家意見、相關情報及二手買賣,安心訂購產品享折扣優惠及購物保障
HP P22 G4 22 FHD Monitor series - Specifications | HP® Support
Find full product specifications and compatibility information for your HP P22 G4 22 FHD Monitor series
HP P22 G4【1A7E4AA】21.5" IPS/1920x1080 - HP展售中心
NOTE: Performance specifications represent the typical specifications provided by HP's component manufacturers; actual performance may vary either higher or lower. *Apply to high resolution and/or high frame rate displays only. CONFIRM WITH EPM whether disclaimer applies. Based on US EPEAT® registration according to IEEE 1680.1-2018 EPEAT®.