HPC-AI.COM | GPU Cloud for AI and High-Performance Computing
HPC-AI.COM offers a GPU cloud platform built specifically for developers, featuring on-demand and reserved high-performance computing resources. The platform is powered by top-tier GPUs like the NVIDIA H100, enabling efficient AI model training, inference, and high-performance computing tasks.
郑纬民:AI 和 HPC 融合的高性能计算机体系结构 - 知乎
现在又出来了ai计算机,就专门做ai用的计算机,叫ai hpc。 这类机器它的CPU不是传统的X86,而是AI专用的计算系统,专门做AI用的芯片,以AI芯片为主的。
High Performance Computing (HPC) and AI - NVIDIA
Researchers can enhance their HPC simulations with AI to achieve faster and better results for various scientific workloads. Engineers can use AI to evaluate a variety of designs, including medical devices, manufacturing robots, and automotive components.
高性能计算HPC入门十问 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
人工智能(ai), hpc 应用已成为 ai 应用的代名词,尤其是机器学习和深度学习应用。ai 与 hpc 的融合推动了机器学习 (ml) 和深度学习 (dl) 软件纳入 hpc 软件堆栈。
HPC-AI Tech - Deep Learning Speed and Scale, Open Source
HPC-AI Tech offers vendor-supported, enterprise-grade solutions for Colossal-AI users, both on-premises and in the cloud. Our industry-leading technology accelerates and expands deep learning capabilities through parallel and distributed training, inference, and fine-tuning of large neural networks using high-performance computing to reduce ...
HPC-AI Tech - GitHub
🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX. Loading…
高性能计算 (HPC) 和 AI - NVIDIA
凭借 gpu 优化的 ai 和 hpc 软件,nvidia 能够让 hpc 研究人员充分利用 ai 技术。 此类软件可从 NVIDIA NGC™ 目录中获取,并能部署至 GPU 助力的 HPC 集群、云实例以及工作站。
佛罗里达大学(University of Florida) 和北卡罗莱纳大学(University of North Carolina)的研究人员利用GPU 深度学习开发了ANAKIN-ME ,以超高速( 微秒与几分钟) 、极高(DFT)的准确度,以及当前计算方法成本的千万分之一,再现了分子能量表面。 意外的雾会导致机场取消或延误航班,有时会对飞行计划产生全球性影响。 当气象预报模型在气象预报模型中以2 公里x 2 公里的分辨率运行时,苏黎世机场的跑道不到2 公里。 因此,人类预报员通过40 个参数( 如风、 压力、温度等)对大型模拟 …
Accelerate AI & Machine Learning Workflows | NVIDIA Run:ai
HPC and AI. Boost accuracy with GPU-accelerating HPC and AI. Scientific Visualization. Enables researchers to visualize large datasets at interactive speeds. Simulation and Modeling. Accelerate simulation workloads. Quantum Computing. Fast-tracking the advancement of scientific innovations with QPUs.
Fire-Flyer(火烈鸟) AI-HPC:面向深度学习的软硬件协同设计, …
2025年2月12日 · Fire-Flyer 2 是 Fire-Flyer AI-HPC 架构的第一个具体实现,它选择了一条务实而高效的道路——以 PCIe A100 GPU 为核心,构建一个面向深度学习和早期 LLM 训练的高性能计算集群。
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