Design and implementation of I/O performance prediction scheme on HPC ...
2023年5月17日 · In this paper, we proposed an I/O performance prediction scheme for HPC environments. To do this, we first collected multiple system logs into a single integrated database and used various combinations of regression algorithms …
Understanding and Modeling Lossy Compression Schemes on HPC …
In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive study on state-of-the-art lossy compression, including ZFP, SZ, and ISABELA, using real and representative HPC datasets. Our evaluation reveals the complex interplay between compressor design, data features and compression performance.
Performance comparison of multi-container deployment schemes for HPC ...
2020年11月30日 · This paper presents a systematic performance comparison and analysis of multi-container deployment schemes for HPC workloads on a single-node platform, which considers different containerization technologies (including Docker and Singularity), two different platform architectures (UMA and NUMA), and two application subscription modes (exact ...
Performance characterization of containerization for HPC …
2021年11月16日 · In this paper, we present a detailed performance characterization of different containerization technologies (including Docker and Singularity) for HPC workloads on InfiniBand clusters through different dimensions, namely network interconnects (including Ethernet and InfiniBand) and protocols (including TCP/IP and RDMA), networking modes (includ...
高性能计算HPC入门十问 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
hpc 系统通常设计用于处理极大的工作负载并高速执行计算,这使非常适合科学研究、金融建模和其他计算密集型任务等应用程序。在衡量 hpc 系统的性能时,通常会考虑几个因素,包括: 处理器性能:指系统中中央处理器(cpu)或图形处理器(gpu)的处理能力。
We present a parametrized model to analyze the impact of frequency scaling on energy and to assess the potential total cost bene ts for the HPC facility and the user. We evaluate four pricing schemes, considering both facility manager and the user perspectives.
benefits, pitfalls, and performance of lossy compression on scientific data. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive study on state-of-the-art lossy compression. including ZFP, SZ, and ISABELA, using real and representative HPC datasets. Our evaluation reveals the complex in.
[PDF] Pricing schemes for energy-efficient HPC systems: Design …
We evaluate four pricing schemes, considering both facility manager and the user perspectives. We then perform a design space exploration considering current and near-future HPC systems and technologies.
HPC – Genesys® - Giammarco Vetrocoke
The HPC – Genesys ® scheme, comprising an absorber and a stripper, represents the simplest and most widely applicable approach. It is a traditional mainstay in HPC processes, known for its user-friendly nature and cost-effectiveness.
(PDF) Understanding and Modeling Lossy Compression Schemes on HPC ...
2018年5月21日 · In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive study on state-of-the-art lossy compression, including ZFP, SZ, and ISABELA, using real and representative HPC datasets. Our evaluation reveals the...