HPDI H2 - Cespira
Our HPDI H2 fuel system technology is a cost effective, high performance solution to support climate neutrality in the heavy-duty mobility sector. HPDI H 2 fuel system equipped engines optimized to run on hydrogen offer many advantages over other pathways, enabling an accelerated adoption of hydrogen as part of a sustainable road freight system.
2023年9月13日 · 根据卡车之家百科记载:“HPDI发动机保持了与原柴油机相同的功率和扭矩(WP12HPDI蓝擎发动机的额定功率为480hp/2100rpm,最大扭矩为1970N.m/1200-1500rpm),其动力性与柴油机完全相同,比火花塞点燃式燃气发动机功率和扭矩提高20%。 而它的工作模式也很好理解,基本上就是在压缩上止点前用5%的柴油喷入气缸引燃,95%的天然气以300bar的压力喷入到火焰中成为主燃料燃烧做功。 而它在保障动力的同时,还能做到颗粒物质排放降 …
HPDI technology is a cost effective, high performance solution to support climate neutrality in the heavy-duty mobility sector. Engines optimised to run on hydrogen with H 2 HPDI technology offer many advantages over other pathways, enabling an accelerated adoption of hydrogen as part of a sustainable road freight system TTW WTW TTW - Tank To Wheel
HPDI with pilot ignition is a commercially available technology originally developed for heavy-duty natural gas engines. Fuel injection relies on late (close to top dead center) cycle direct injection of gaseous fuel (in this case hydrogen) at moderate pressure (~300 bar).
HPDI LNG - Cespira
HPDI consists of a fully integrated on engine and off engine fuel system components and electronic control solution, with a cryogenic tank and integral high pressure liquefied natural gas (“LNG”) pump mounted on the chassis of the truck and plumbed to the engine where fuel pressure is regulated before being supplied to the injectors via ...
Homepage - Cespira
Hydrogen HPDI™ system: a practical, efficient, cost effective and robust solution for hydrogen mobility. We’re making zero emission vehicles the achievable standard. By removing, operational, technical and geographic barriers, we are paving the way for …
hpdi技术是唯一能与柴油发动机性能相媲美,可广泛应用于大马力天然气重型卡车的发动机技术。 动力性 与柴油机完全相同,比火花塞点燃式燃气发动机功率大20%,扭矩大20%-25%,可以解决燃气发动机高原功率损失大的问题。
沃尔沃卡车投资新技术,兼容氢气等多种燃料的清洁内燃机!西港HPDI …
这项神乎其神的技术叫做HPDI,High Pressure Direct Injection,翻译成中文叫“高压直喷”。 该项技术由加拿大Westport西港公司开发(和潍柴合资的那个西港),沃尔沃投资了2800万美元与其成立合资公司,共同推广HPDI技术。
2012年5月4日 · 近日,中国首台大功率缸内高压直喷压燃式天然气 发动机(简称“hpdi发动机”)上市发布仪式在北京钓鱼台举行。这一技术创新成果,由中国首家研发和生产缸内直喷天然气发动机的合资公司——潍柴动力西港新能源发动机有限公司推出。