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HPG Online - Şehitler Sitesi. Kod Adı: Erdal Ciwan Adı-Soyadı: Şaxwan Miradi Doğum yeri: Sine (Doğu Kurdistan)
Revolutionary guerrilla operations that stunned the Turkish army
2024年3月24日 · HPG Press Liaison Centre (HPG-BIM) announced that the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrillas, who inflicted a heavy blow on the invading Turkish army in Xakurkê and Metîna, killed 34 invaders in Girê Amediyê Revolutionary Operation in Zap the next day (23 December), and 3 guerrillas were martyred.
ANF | HPG-BIM warns KDP is preparing to get involved in war
2022年6月6日 · HPG Press Liaison Center (HPG-BIM) warned that the KDP is preparing to "get involved" in the "historic war" between the Kurdish people and the Turkish occupation and called on all Kurdish forces to take responsibility to prevent such an attack.
ANF | Baran Nûjiyan: "A very different connection to the fight"
2022年4月1日 · The Press and Communication Center of the People's Defense Forces (HPG-BIM) spoke to guerrilla Baran Nûjiyan in a three-part interview series for the new format "Şervanên Azadiyê". Baran Nûjiyan has been part of the …
ANF | HPG-BIM says mobile guerrilla teams gave the "necessary …
2022年4月24日 · The HPG-BIM issued a statement about recent guerrillas’ action. The statement said that 3 more Turkish soldiers were killed and one was injured in the Zap region. The HPG's statement is as follows: “The invasion operation launched by the Turkish state was received by the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla with an Apoist militant spirit, and heavy ...
HPG Press Center Spokesman: The Turkish state conceals its …
2021年9月18日 · Serdar Yektaş, spokesman for the Press and Communication Center of the People's Defense Forces (HPG-BIM), commented in an interview with ANF on the current situation in the guerrilla areas in Southern Kurdistan (Northern Iraq) and the methods of reporting by the Turkish ministries and media.
ANF | HPG: 12 Turkish soldiers were killed in Metîna - ANF News
2024年1月15日 · HPG-BIM reported that at least 12 soldiers were killed, and many positions were destroyed in Girê Hakkari Resistance Area on January 13. In the statement, the details of the guerrilla action and the attacks by the invaders were given as follows:
HPG BİM: Kimyasal silah kullanımı sonucu 11 gerilla şehit düştü
2022年12月27日 · İşgalci Türk devleti yenemediği gerillaya yönelik kimyasal silah kullanımını sürdürüyor. Saca alanında 11 gerillanın kimyasal silah kullanımı sonucu şehadete ulaştığını açıklayan HPG BİM, kimyasal kullanımının belgelendiğini ve ilgili kurumların inceleme yapabileceğini duyurdu.
TEAM @ HPG - Welcome to HPG Consulting
Rattan Lal is a dedicated Technical Associate at HPG Consulting, where he has been contributing as a BIM Associate since 2022. Prior to joining HPG, Rattan gained valuable experience working on housing projects in Chandigarh.
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