#109964 Baja 5SC - HPI Racing
HPI makes it super-easy to get into large scale! The Baja 5SC is completely pre-built, painted and assembled right out of the box, so hitting the dirt is fast and easy! All you have to do is open the box, add AA batteries to the transmitter, charge the …
#106259 Super 5SC Flux - HPI Racing
The Super 5SC Flux takes the powerful Flux Tork 2200KV motor and Blur speedo from the amazing Savage Flux HP for truly impressive top speeds and plenty of wheel-spinning fun! The Super 5SC Flux is lighter than the Baja 5SC, so the power of the Flux Tork is a perfect match!
#105235 RTR Baja 5SC - HPI Racing
Jump into the thrill of Short Course racing with the Baja 5SC truck from HPI! The Baja 5SC takes the HPI Baja line-up to the next level with a new SC-1 body that gives the Baja 5SC authentic Short Course looks. Adding to the durability and realistic looks is a new skid-plate front bumper and a large rear bumper with real rubber mud flaps.
HPI Baja 5SC 1/5 Scale RTR Gasoline Short Course Truck - RC …
This is the HPI Baja 5SC 1/5 Scale Ready-to-Run Gasoline Short Course Truck with a 26cc Fuelie engine and a 2.4GHz radio system. With the new matte black color scheme, the Baja racing truck has an updated look that is menacing to your racing competition..
解析HPI-汽油Baja车系几种车型的区别 - RCFans
HPI-汽油baja车型版本分为:5B,5B-SS,5B-2.0,5T,5SC,5SC-SS等 5B是HPI-汽油Baja的开山之作,以其流畅的车身,卓越的性能,绝妙的设计风靡全球,一时成为车模追捧的亮点车型,时至今日经久不衰。
HPI Baja 5SC 1/5 Scale RTR Short Course Truck (Black) [HPI109964 …
Jump into the thrill of Short Course racing with the Baja 5SC truck from HPI. The Baja 5SC takes the HPI Baja line-up on to the Short Course Track with the SC-1 body that gives the Baja 5SC authentic Short Course looks. Adding to the durability and realistic look is the skid-plate front bumper and large rear bumper with real rubber mud flaps.
Review: HPI Baja 5SC - CompetitionX
2011年4月12日 · The 5SC comes with HPI’s powerful Fuelie 26cc engine. This gas-powered 2-stroker is capable of pushing the 5SC to speeds over 40mph in stock form! That’s pretty impressive for a 30 lb. vehicle.
LOSI 5ive T 对战 HPI Baja 5SC RTR,从此拉开序幕!(SRC车场)
LOSI 5ive T 对战 HPI Baja,终于要面对了,哈哈! 很多人会说四驱占优势,谁知道呢? 于本月28日在北京SRC车场举办的汽油车大赛中,我们将突出这两款车的比拼!
HPI Racing Super 5SC Flux - RC Driver
2014年9月2日 · HPI's Racing Super 5SC Flux is a ton of fun, its unfortunately discontinued, but many owners are still driving it so we posted this particular project online.
HPI Baja 5SC 1/5th scale short course truck - RCTalk
2010年11月25日 · The HPI Baja 5SC is a 1/5th scale, short course r/c truck, based off the popular HPI Baja 5T 1/5th scale truck. The HPI Baja 5SC takes the HPI Baja line-up to the next level with a new SC-1 body that gives the Baja 5SC authentic Short Course looks.