During 2001-2014, seven new rice varieties namely HPR 2143, HPR 1068, HPR 2612 (Palam Basmati 1) and HPR 2720 (Palam Lal Dhan 1) for irrigated areas in mid hills (650 to 1500m); Sukara Dhan 1 for rainfed areas in mid-hills (650 to 1300m); and Bhrigu Dhan (a red rice variety) & Varun Dhan japonica varieties for high hills of HP were released by ...
Growth, development and profitability of rice (Oryza sativa L.) as ...
2024年2月6日 · Variety HPR 2143 recorded significantly taller plants, a higher number of tillers, Leaf area index, dry matter and returns followed by HPR 1068 and HPR 2880.
Introgression of rice blast and bacterial leaf blight resistance genes ...
2021年1月1日 · Foreground selection for blast resistance gene Xa21 in 42 BC2F2 progenies of cross HPR2143×IRBB54 using Blb248 Lanes in the gel from left represent M: Molecular weight marker (1kb ladder), D:...
Combining ability and heterosis for yield and its component traits …
2015年3月31日 · The cross HPR 2639 X HPR 2143 is good specific combination for grain yield/plant, panicle length, spikelets/panicles, grains/panicle, biological yield/ plant, days to 50% flowering and plant height.
2018年7月8日 · The short leaf blade was found in VL-221(26.06 cm) and the longest in HPR-2699 (56.86 cm). In the genotypes collected, HPR-2143 (17.80mm) has the highest leaf width, which was significant superior over all other genotypes. Whereas RP-2421 (9.90 mm) genotype was found to be the lowest followed by HPR-2746 (11 mm).
Among the varieties, the grain yield of variety HPR 2143 was maximum (5002 kg ha-1) followed by HPR 1068 (4682 kg ha-1) and HPR 2880 (3993 kg ha-1). The rice is most important cereal crop for more than half of the world’s population, provides 21% of …
Foreground selection of BC2F2 plants of two crosses (HPR2143/DHMAS164 and HPR2143/PB1) was done to detect the presence of blast resistance genes i.e. Pita and Pi9 in these plants. Plants...
Abstract gation was carried out to determine combining ability and heterosis for yield and its component trait in rice. The material consisted of F1 hybrids of 30 crosses developed by crossing 10 lines with three testers. The cross HPR 2639 X HPR 2143 is good specific combination for grain yield/plant, pa
arrworyza rice journal
Twelve genotypes namely, SKAU 353, HPR 2555, HPR 2557, HPR 2143, HPR 2625 (DH (D)24), VL 30569, VL 7852, VL 31339, RCPL 1-116, VL 31452, VL 31451 and Sukaradhan consistently showed resistant reaction to leaf blast during both the years which may be included as donors in breeding programme for leaf blast resistance.
[PDF] Line x tester analysis for deducing heterosis in rice (Oryza ...
2022年7月5日 · The cross HPR 2639 X HPR 2143 is good specific combination for grain yield/plant, panicle length, spikelets/panicles, grains/panicle, biological yield/ plant, days to 50% flowering and plant height. Heterosis and combining ability analysis for yield and related-yield traits in hybrid rice.