HR Phone Number? - Apple Community - Apple Support …
2014年6月6日 · Apple HR is for current Apple employees and is a large and diverse department. If you want to do the resume follow up call/email, then send your inquiry to the email provided for your resume. I would not risk inconveniencing other employees when you are looking for a job.
Apple HR contact number - Apple Community - Apple Support …
2018年2月22日 · skaichi wrote: Does anybody have contact number to Apple HUman Resources for benefit questions? I am a former Apple employee.
Help and HR Phone Number? - Apple Community - Apple Support …
2016年11月28日 · There is no contact info for Apple HR - if you make it past the 1st cut, you will get an email to arrange a time for a FaceTime/Skype interview with a recruiter. Show more Less Reply
Skin irritation started under Apple Watch sensor - Apple Support …
2023年12月4日 · Contact Apple for support and service - Apple Support M1 Mac mini, macOS 14.1.2; Watch, series 7 GPS/cellular, watchOS 10.1.1; iPad Pro 2nd Gen, iPadOS 17.1.2; iPhone 12 Pro, iOS 17.1.2; TV 4th Gen, tvOS 17; HomePods, audioOS 17.1.1 …
How to contact Apple support by email? - Apple Community
2021年9月19日 · How do I contact Apple Support? People help me with this, I haven't tried to contact Apple support by way via mail, I can't find such a way, I'm only offered to call in support methods, why isn't there an elementary way of support via mail? If apple notices it, contact me [Email Edited by Moderator]
How to connect with 24 hour Apple Support… - Apple Community
2018年2月24日 · You MAY be able to find phone number for your country/region here > Contact Apple for support and service - Apple Support. I haven't had a new eligible product in a long time, but if you bought AppleCare Protection Plan, there is a phone number especially for it. AppleCare - Apple. Legal - AppleCare Protection Plan - Apple <- shows countries list
Updating/upgrading your iPhone - Apple Community
2025年3月8日 · With your permission, I will be sending users to this tip to answer many questions about updating! Great work, Nick!
Screen time bug after updating to iOS 18. - Apple Community
2024年9月18日 · i'm encountering the same problem. ever since i updated my iphone 14 pro to ios 18 yesterday, my screen time has been ridiculously high, and as a person who checks it everyday, even the past few days have changed from 2-3 hrs to 12-13 hrs. if you add up the time spent on all apps to the total, it's totally off. i don't know what's going on!
Scan to PDF has disappeared from my Notes… - Apple Community
2024年12月22日 · Scan to PDF has disappeared from my Notes app. I have an iphone 14 pro and am using ios18.2
My iphone 13 turned off and wont turn - Apple Community
2023年7月24日 · If you see any liquid indicators triggered or notice any physical issues, it might be the cause of the problem, and you may need to contact Apple Support or visit an Apple Store for assistance. Seek Apple Support: If none of the above steps work and your iPhone 13 still won't turn on or respond, it's time to contact Apple Support or visit an ...