Starting from December 2024, HR21 Limited no longer provide support and maintenance services to Payroll/MPF and HR software. Thank you for your trust and cooperation throughout the years. 自 2024 年 12 月起,HR21 Limited 不再為支薪/強積金和人力資源軟件提供支援及維護服務。
HR21 | Human Resource System | 人力資源系統 | Payroll System
HR21's mission is to provide high quality, robust, and practical human resource information systems. In addition, HR21 focus on providing efficient support services to assist our customers to complete their tasks on time.
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HR21 「易薪財」版本 31 升級手冊
往HR21網址下載: http://www.hr21.com.hk/ ,產品 -> 易薪財> 用戶登入 選擇易薪財版本3.4.3,或可 在 EZ-Pay版本3.4.3 光碟內找到。如對於這修正檔有任何疑難,請聯絡HR21客戶服務熱線2186-8222 「易薪財」升級檔( 版本3.4.3 ) 安裝步驟 步驟1 確認所有支薪檔案夾
eGateway website is built in collaboration between HR21 Limited and HSBC. It is a secure channel provided to HR21 customers to conveniently submit files to HSBC and HASE for processing. Files include autopay file as well as MPF file. As HR21 customer, you are using one of our payroll/HR software which already
這份手冊有詳盡的指示,令用戶明白安裝HR21 所提供的「易薪財」 版本 3.x.x 的每一個步驟。 需要甚麼程式工具 「易薪財」版本 3.x.x 程式光碟 (CD ROM) 及一片空白格式的磁碟
HR21 | HR21 Limited, Hong Kong
hr21有專屬的軟件研發團隊,技術支援人員和客戶服務員來處理客戶的需求並協助他們的人力資源管理和支薪操作。 HR21還提供網上電子輸送渠道服務,使客戶能夠通過互聯網遞交支薪和強積金檔案。
Human Resource System | 人力資源系統 | Payroll System - HR21
With the support of our IT resources and expertises, HR21 provides Total Solutions for companies of various needs. We strive to become a leading HR and payroll solution and service provider in Asia.
HR21 | Human Resource System | 人力資源系統 | Payroll System
hr21有專屬的軟件研發團隊,技術支援人員和客戶服務員來處理客戶的需求並協助他們的人力資源管理和支薪操作。 HR21還提供網上電子輸送渠道服務,使客戶能夠通過互聯網遞交支薪和強積金檔案。
HR21 | Human Resource System | 人力資源系統 | Payroll System
With the support of our IT resources and expertises, HR21 provides Total Solutions for companies of various needs. We strive to become a leading HR and payroll solution and service provider in Asia.
HR21 - SmartGateway