High sensitivity rate-integrating hemispherical resonator gyroscope ...
2021年1月26日 · This study analyzes the principle of the dead area in HRG RIG , proposed a novel self-calibrated method and induces the state-of-the-art HRG RIG performance. The detailed contributions of this...
The rate‑integrating gyroscope (RIG) operation is considered as the next generation architecture for hemispherical resonator gyroscopes (HRGs) with advantages of...
The Hemispherical Resonator Gyro: From Wineglass to the …
2009年1月1日 · Small size, low noise, high performance and no wear-out has made the Hemispherical Resonator Gyroscope (HRG) the choice for high value space missions. After 14 years of production the HRG boasts...
Hemispherical resonator gyroscope - Wikipedia
The hemispherical resonator gyroscope (HRG), also called wine-glass gyroscope or mushroom gyro, is a compact, low-noise, high-performance angular rate or rotation sensor. An HRG is made using a thin solid-state hemispherical shell, anchored by a thick stem.
半球谐振陀螺 - 百度百科
半球谐振陀螺(Hemispherical Resonator Gyro,简称HRG)是哥式振动陀螺仪中的一种具有惯导级性能的高精度陀螺仪,随机漂移可达到10-4º/hr量级,寿命高达15年。HRG由激励电极、检测电极和半球谐振子构成,半球谐振子是HRG的核心部件,其性能决定了HRG的性能。
High sensitivity rate-integrating hemispherical resonator …
2021年1月26日 · The rate-integrating gyroscope (RIG) operation is considered as the next generation architecture for hemispherical resonator gyroscopes (HRGs) with advantages of direct angle measurement and unlimited dynamic range. However, this RIG operation requires high symmetry for the HRG device and the dampin …
Recent Advances in MEMS-Based 3D Hemispherical Resonator Gyroscope (HRG ...
2022年10月5日 · HRGs are considered state-of-the-art, precise Coriolis vibratory gyros (CVGs), in which, in contrast to plane (flat) types, such as beams, rings, and disks, the unwanted parasitic out-of-plane modes of vibration are eliminated and there is high out-of-plane stiffness [47].
(PDF) High sensitivity rate-integrating hemispherical resonator ...
2021年1月26日 · More importantly, the experimental HRG RIG platform with the proposed compensation method can significantly expand the dynamic range with accurate angle measurement and overcome the problem of...
A rate hemispherical resonator gyroscope with bias stability of …
2024年9月1日 · This paper demonstrated a high accuracy rate hemispherical resonator gyroscope (HRG) with compensation of the phase delay induced by the front-end amplifier and the digital control circuit.
(PDF) Milli-HRG inertial navigation system - ResearchGate
2012年10月1日 · Northrop Grumman Navigation Systems Division is developing a terrestrial inertial navigation system, INS, based on the proven space technology that can be used for precision pointing applications....