Heart Rhythm 2021 On Demand
Heart Rhythm 2021 On Demand presents more than 200 hours captured during Heart Rhythm 2021 in Boston, MA from July 28-31, 2021. This online bundle features the best of HRS-trusted science in a convenient on-demand format, including expert-led education, ground-breaking science, and much more.
HRS-2021年第42届美国心律学会年会/科学会议(HRS2021)- Heart …
2021年美国心律学会 (HRS)年会/心律科学会议将于2021年7月28日至31日在美国波士顿举行,线上会议将于2021年6月30日开始,届时将有超过800名全球最著名的心律管理专家将担任200多门教育课程的教员,大会主题涵盖:起搏,除颤,临床心律不齐管理,消融,药理学,遗传学,基础科学,健康政策等等,本次大会预计将有来自80多个国家和地区的8000余名专业人士与会。 美国心律学会 (HRS)成立于1979年,是心电生理和心脏起搏领域权威国际性非营利组织,其使命是 …
Heart Rhythm 2021 Kicks Off Virtually, Showcasing Advances in ...
2021年6月30日 · In-person Heart Rhythm 2021 activities will take place in Boston at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (BCEC) from July 28-July 31, which will be made available for virtual attendees on-demand and five live-streaming channels.
Homepage | Heart Rhythm
Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) is a 501(c)(3) international nonprofit organization with a mission to improve the care of patients by promoting research, education, and optimal healthcare policies and standards.
Home | Heart Rhythm Society
Founded in 1979, HRS is a leading resource on cardiac pacing and electrophysiology. Our specialty organization represents medical, allied health, and science professionals from more than 90 countries who specialize in cardiac rhythm disorders.
Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) 2021 - Medscape
2021年8月4日 · Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) 2021 : Read clinically focused news coverage of key developments from HRS 2021
Meetings - Heart Rhythm Society
The Heart Rhythm Society offers multiple opportunities throughout the year to attend a live education meeting highlighted by the annual Heart Rhythm conference. Interacting with your peers and contemporaries is a very effective way to learn and exchange ideas.
HRS 2021: Top Five Takeaways - American College of Cardiology
2021年8月1日 · I now present to you my top five takeaways from HRS 2021. HRS raises its voice on social action. HRS 2021 occurred amid significant national discord related to the COVID-19 pandemic, protests on race relations and polarizing socio-political viewpoints.
HRS 2021 on the App Store
The Heart Rhythm 2021 mobile app includes the full scientific program at your fingertips. Download the app and easily access sessions, personalize your schedule, view speakers, exhibitors and abstracts, take notes, connect with your fellow attendees, and more.
Heart Rhythm Congress - HRS 2021 - Medflixs
2021年7月28日 · Heart Rhythm 2021 will kick off virtually for all attendees on June 30, 2021, followed by the in-person activities in Boston, MA from July 28-31, 2021. Regardless of how you choose to attend, you'll have access to 200+ hours of expert-led education, ground-breaking science, game-changing innovations, and countless networking opportunities.