Route 31 - Hampton Roads Transit
1 天前 · Ride the VB Wave trolley south to campgrounds, fun parks, and to the Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Museum. Catch the Atlantic Avenue trolley (Route 30) for points north. Aquarium and Ocean Breeze serviced during operating hours only.
Is 31 too old to transition MtF passably? : r/asktransgender - Reddit
The older you get, the slower your body takes to respond to HRT and heal from surgeries, but it's really never too late. And honestly, 31 is still pretty young. Unfortunately, you'll never look like "a girl", but have faith - you will look like a woman, to yourself (most …
HRT 综述 - MtF.wiki
2025年3月11日 · HRT 在这里特指“ 跨性别激素替代疗法 ”;当下也有更新颖的说法,即“ 性别肯定激素治疗 ”,简称 GAHT。 对于 MtF,其运用雌激素、孕激素、抗雄激素等各种药物,实现激素状态和身体特征的女性化、去男性化,中断已经开始的男性化过程,从而缓解性别不安的目的 1 2;同时,也有助于改善生活质量和精神状态 3。 目前的研究表明,在专业医生的指导和风险把控下进行激素治疗是安全的 4。 在接纳和认可自身存在的道路上,运用 HRT 虽未必是所有 MtF …
The 2020 Menopausal Hormone Therapy Guidelines - PMC
MHT is an effective therapy that offers more advantages than disadvantages for women aged less than 60 years or who have had menopause for less than 10 years. Therefore, the purpose of these guidelines is to provide help by sharing accurate knowledge and treatment methods regarding MHT based on recent research findings. 1.
Hormone Replacement Therapy - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2024年10月6日 · Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) replenishes women with ovarian hormones diminished during the natural menopausal transition to alleviate associated symptoms, especially hot flashes and night sweats. Traditional HRT typically combines estrogen and progesterone to replicate ovarian hormones.
Hormone replacement therapy - Wikipedia
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), also known as menopausal hormone therapy or postmenopausal hormone therapy, is a form of hormone therapy used to treat symptoms associated with female menopause.
激素替代療法 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
激素替代療法 (hormone replacement therapy,HRT)或 激素补充治疗[1] 、 绝经激素治疗[2] (menopausal/postmenopausal hormone therapy,MHT/PHT/PMHT),是一種用於治療女性体内 性激素 分泌不足或 更年期 相關的症狀,需以外源激素加以补充、替代的疗法 [註 1][3][4],這些症狀可能包括 潮熱, 陰道萎縮 和乾燥,以及骨質流失等,並且是由 更年期 期間性激素水平降低引起的 [5][6]。 激素替代療法用於 更年期 症狀的主要激素藥物是 雌激素 和 孕激素 [7]。
HRT是什么?HRT的效果有什么? - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
跨性别领域的激素替代疗法(Hormone Replacement Therapy,HRT),指的是一部分跨性别者通过使用相应性别认同的性激素来抑制出生指配的第二性征发育,促进相应性别认同的第二性征发育,是缓解性别焦虑(Gender Dysphoria,GD)的方式,具体分为男性化激素疗法 ...
Postmenopausal Women Lose More Weight With GLP-1 and HRT
2025年3月14日 · Study proves GLP-1 and HRT leads to more weight loss. A Mayo Clinic study published in the journal Menopause set out to compare weight loss response as well as changes in cardiovascular and metabolic risk markers in postmenopausal women using semaglutide with and without menopause HRT use.. Study authors note that during the menopause transition, up to 70 percent of women experience weight ...
激素替代治疗 - 百度百科
激素替代治疗 (Hormone replacement therapy,HRT)是指对存在雌激素缺乏的绝经后妇女补充雌激素及孕激素以缓解其更年期症状的治疗。 [1] 在生育期卵巢周期性产生雌激素和孕激素,雌孕激素协同作用,维持女性健康生理。 女性40岁后,卵巢功能逐渐衰退,直至绝经。 雌激素水平明显下降导致妇女身心功能异常,产生潮热、出汗等一系列症状,统称 更年期综合征。 第一、出现了绝经相关的症状。 比如月经紊乱、血管舒缩症状(潮热、多汗)睡眠障碍、疲倦、易激动、 …