Hs293空舰导弹 - 百度百科
Hs-293H是在Hs-293A基础上改制的 空空导弹 ,用于攻击轰炸机编队,装备两部HWK-109-542或斯密丁(Schmidding)109-513火箭引擎,配备声学近炸引信和新型制导系统,总重980公 …
Henschel Hs 293 - Wikipedia
The Henschel Hs 293 was a World War II German radio-guided glide bomb. It is the first operational anti-shipping missile, first used unsuccessfully on 25 August 1943 and then with …
Hs 293 A-1导弹介绍 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
德国在第二次世界大战中开发了Hs 293空射导弹,用于打击船只或地面目标。它基本上是一种滑翔炸弹,由液体燃料火箭辅助,发射10秒。Hs 293被携带在He 111,He 177,Fw 200或Do …
Hs 293 A-1 Missile | National Air and Space Museum
Germany developed the Hs 293 air-launched missile in World War II for use against ships or ground targets. It was basically a glide bomb assisted by a liquid-fuel rocket that fired for 10 …
二战末期空射制导武器项目小传:亨舍尔Hs-293 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年5月24日 · Hs-293B就是针对盟军研发出的无线电干扰机而设计的,采用了导线引导方案的Hs-293改型。电缆收纳在弹药尾部的线轴上连接到载机上的发射架,再连接到载机内部由机组 …
来看看二战德国的空对舰导弹!Hs.293空舰导弹 - 哔哩哔哩
Hs-293首次作战记录是在1943年8月25日,第40轰炸航空团的Do-217轰炸机在比斯开湾攻击英军反潜巡逻队,英军护卫号和比迪福德号护卫舰被击伤。 两天后该团的18架Do-217使用该弹击 …
二战德军空舰导弹——HS293 - 百度贴吧
Hs-293H是在Hs-293A基础上改制的空空导弹,用于攻击轰炸机编队,装备两具HWK-109-542或斯密丁(Schmidding)109-513火箭引擎,配备声学近炸引信和新型制导系统,总重980公斤, …
Henschel Hs 293A Anti-ship Missiles - Wehrmacht History
The Henschel Hs 293A was a anti-ship missile Designed and developed by Henschel und Sohn in 1939 under the leadership of Dr.-Ing. Herbert Alois Wagner. The Henschel Hs 293A was …
二战中期德国就有先进的反舰导弹,为何没能阻挡盟军的海上舰 …
Hs-293制导炸弹. 经过一系列的修改后,在无干扰的状态下,Hs-293A对战舰的命中率提升到40%~50%之间,在6000米高度最大投放距离约16千米,已经远远超过舰载防空炮的射程。
Henschel Hs 293 A-1 - Warbirds Resource Group
Hs 293E: This was purely an experimental model built to try out a system of spoiler controls to replace the conventional aileron mechanism. These controls were incorporated in the final …
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