Henschel P.75 - Wikipedia
The Henschel P.75 was an unrealised German design for a fighter aircraft created by Henschel during World War II. It was meant to be replacement for the Messerschmitt Bf 110. It had an unusual canard configuration seen on other fighters like the XP-55 and the J7W1. [1]
Henschel Hs P.75 - Luft '46
Henschel Hs P.75 This 1941 aircraft design was to be a possible successor to the Messerschmitt Bf 110 heavy fighter. Although of a unusual configuration for that time, there were advantages (and disadvantages) to its rear wing/forward canard construction.
二战德国亨舍尔HsP.75战斗机 - 哔哩哔哩
亨舍尔Hs P.75是由德国亨舍尔公司按德国航空部(RLM)在1941年的重型战斗机项目而研制的一款重型战斗机。 可能大家一看到亨舍尔Hs P.75的样子就会认为那是第二次世界后期德国的“末日战机”计划里的一员但两者是一点关系都没有的(因为研制亨舍尔Hs P.75是从1941年至1943年,与“末日战机”计划的时间是完全不符合的)亨舍尔Hs P.75研制目的是替换德国空军Bf-110重型战斗机的,Bf-110曾被纳粹吹捧为“万能战斗机”和“空中巡洋舰”,认为双引擎能同时兼顾大航程,高 …
亨舍尔HsP.75 - 百度百科
亨舍尔Hs P.75是由德国亨舍尔公司按德国航空部(RLM)在1941年的重型战斗机项目而研制的一款重型战斗机。 可能大家一看到亨舍尔Hs P.75的样子就会认为那是第二次世界后期德国的“末日战机”计划里的一员但两者是一点关系都没有的(因为研制亨舍尔Hs P.75是从1941年至1943年,与“末日战机”计划的时间是完全不符合的)亨舍尔Hs P.75研制目的是替换德国空军Bf-110重型战斗机的,Bf-110曾被纳粹吹捧为“万能战斗机”和“空中巡洋舰”,认为双引擎能同时兼顾大航程,高 …
Henschel Hs P.75 Heavy Fighter Aircraft Proposal - Military Factory
2020年4月15日 · The Henschel Hs P.75 appeared in 1941 as a possible contender to the outmoded and outclassed Messerschmitt BF 110 "Zerstorer" heavy fighter for the German Luftwaffe. The heavy fighter had met its match in the Battle of Britain and has become relegated to the night-fighting role as a result.
鸭式布局前传,德国二战Hs P.75战斗机,融合了两项黑科技
2019年11月28日 · Hs p.75作为单座单发重型战斗机,采用创意型的正反对转螺旋桨,最大起飞重量7500千克,装备一台戴姆勒-奔驰DB613液冷发动机,总功率高达3500马力。鸭式布局注定Hs p.75采用尾推式动力布局,此布局有利于飞行员的视野和军械布置。
Henschel Hs. P.75 - sas1946.com
2025年3月16日 · The Hs P.75 featured a tapered fuselage, with the slightly swept-back wings being mounted mid-fuselage and set back to the rear of the aircraft. The widened fuselage was designed to house the Daimler Benz DB 610 engine, which were two DB 605 engines joined side-by-side, just aft of the cockpit.
Henscel Hs P 75 | Aircraft of World War II - WW2Aircraft.net Forums
2011年10月17日 · Henschel Hs P.75 This 1941 aircraft design was to be a possible successor to the Messerschmitt Bf 110 heavy fighter. Although of a unusual configuration for that time, there were advantages (and disadvantages) to its rear wing/forward canard construction.
出AIWA HS-P75_≡ 家电交易区 ≡_耳机随身听交易区_家电论坛
2020年8月8日 · 卡座为VICTOR V731,是买了AIWA HS- P75之后的找咸鱼卖家录磁带,感觉录的效果还可以,就把录音的卡座买回来了。 特点是声音稳,不偏不颤,有一定的模拟味,可接受。 在论坛中学习了下普兰老师的帖子,据说PROTOOLS 可以模拟各种音效,我也最近购置了PRISM SOUND 的天琴2声卡,+有源音箱,用PROTOOLS 插恐龙音效,确实感觉改善很大。 就是不熟练,插件最近试用期过。 还没有找到办法解决。 本贴顺出大莱曼耳放,乐图 PAW 5000 MKII, …
Henschel Hs P.75 - Military Aircraft - X-Plane.Org Forum
2017年7月15日 · Henschel Hs P.75 1941 Completed Wind Tunnel Testing Then Cancelled! This aircraft was designed in 1941 and went through wind tunnel tests with flying colors! Heavily armed with 4 30mm cannons. The top speed was around 500 mph, and that is similar to the all jet Me-262 to come later in the war. ht...
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