2:1 Polyolefin Heat Shrink Tubing Roll, Colored | BuyHeatShrink®
Buy Polyolefin Heat Shrink Tubing for a versatile seal that insulates and secures electrical components. 12 Standard Colors makes labeling & color coding easy
- 评论数: 24
Colored 2:1 Heat Shrink Tubing | Standard Polyolefin - Electriduct
Polyolefin Heat shrink tubing can be used in a variety of applications in the military, commercial, and consumer markets. 2:1 shrink tubing will shrink one half of its nominal diameter and less …
Colour - HS2 Design System
Use these colours for supporting materials like illustrations, or in custom components where appropriate. You must make sure that the contrast ratio of text and interactive elements in your …
GitHub - krypto5863/Illusion.StudioNodeTweaks: Simple plugin for ...
Simple plugin for recoloring IK nodes in the Koikatsu Sunshine and HoneySelect2 Studio and adding a slight animation to all nodes..
Acrylithane HS2 - Jones Blair
Excellent gloss and color retention. Chemical resistant. Low VOC. Wide range of colors, including metallic effect. For use on automobiles, trucks, trailers, bulk tanks, chemical trailers and …
GitHub - Blatke/Multi-Mask-Shader-for-ME: A shader mod for HS2 …
It's a shader mod, for HS2 / AIS MaterialEditor, based on Multi-Masks.shader. Download the .zipmod file for the latest version on the Release Page, then drag and drop it into your /mods/ …
HS2-AI-ASE-Shaders /Docs - GitHub
Hanmen/Item Transparent - A standard transparent version of the shader, opacity can be controlled by each Color alpha value directly. Iridescent/Item Cutoff - An opaque specular …
Acrylithane HS2 is recommended for use on automobiles, trucks, trailers, bulk tanks, and chemical trailers that require a premium topcoat appearance. Service temperature:-Maximum, …
why is the characters skin colors keep turning dark? When ... - Reddit
2024年3月29日 · Changing the skin color doesn't change how it shows on the RGB menu. Go to your InitSettings, turn off DHH and turn on GraphicsMod. Then reopen the game, press F5, go …
Acrylithane HS2-57010 - Hempel
Excellent gloss and color retention. Chemical resistant. Low VOC. Wide range of colors, including metallic effect. Acrylithane HS2 is recommended for use on automobiles, trucks, trailers, bulk …
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