AASHTO HL-93 Loading | HS20-44, Design Truck, Design …
2017年2月19日 · It has 3 basic Live Loads for bridges called HL-93 Loading (where H stands for highway and L stands for Loading, developed in 1993). 1. Design Truck: It is commonly called as HS-20 44 (where H stands for highway, S for semi-trailer, 20 TON weight of the tractor (1st two axles) and was proposed in 1994) 2. Design Tandem:
Trucks that pull trailers are designated as HS, for example HS 20-44 (a 20-ton semi-trailer truck). In general, a truck loading depends on the type of bridge, its location, and the type of traffic anticipated. The AASHTO specifications also allow you to represent the truck as a single concentrated load and an uniform load.
HL93 Truck Loads vs. HS20 Truck Loads - NPCA
2010年7月28日 · The 1944 edition included the HS20 truck load and started a policy of affixing the year to loadings making HS20-44 the official designation. The additional ‘S’ made an allowance for heavier tractor-trailers that were available at the time.
An “H20” or an “HS20” series truck features an 8,000-pound axle load for the drive axle and a 32,000-pound axle load for the axle(s) under the trailer. The only difference in these two vehicles is that the “HS20” truck has an additional 32,000-pound axle located under the trailer, which is
Translating “HS-20 Traffic” Lingo - Leading Precast Concrete ...
2019年8月18日 · What does the number “44” represent in HS-20-44? Quite often, this number “44” is mistakenly assumed to mean 44,000 lbs in some design context. The number “44” actually refers to the year, 1944, in which the HS-20 traffic loading …
H20 and H20-44 - Structural engineering general discussion - Eng …
2011年11月16日 · There's H20-44 and HS20-44. In both cases the "44" stands for 1944, the year the loading was adopted. H20 truck is a 20T truck; two axles, 4T & 16T, spaced at 14'. HS20 is a 36T truck It's the H20 truck with an additional 16T axle with a variable spacing of 14' to 30', whichever produces maximum stress.
AASHTO HS20-44 Truck (Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute …
The service load that governed in analysis was the AASHTO HS20-44 truck, which weighs 36 tons distributed between three axles ( Figure 7). To capture the effect of larger permit loads, the ...
AASHTO H-20/HS-20 Loading Specifications & Differences
What is H-20/HS-20 Loading? AASHTO’s H-20 and HS-20 are live load ratings applied to the design of bridges or other suspended items (e.g. lids for concrete vaults). Because the pavers sit on a flat aggregate surface, they are not subject to the same bending moments and shear, and therefore will not collapse under the applied loads.
LOADING-HS 20-44 (MS18) TABLE OF MAXIMUM MOMENTS, SHEARS, AND REACTIONS SIMPLE SPANS, ONE LANE 694 HIGHWAY BRIDGES App.A Spans in feet; moments in thousands of foot-pounds; shears and reactions in thousands . of pounds. These values are subject to specification reduction for loading of multiple lanes. Impact not included. End shear
AASHTO HS20-44 Modified Design Truck - ResearchGate
HS20-40 modified truck loading is considered for the dynamic analysis in the present paper. The HS20-44 Modified truck is defined as one 10 kip axle load and two 40 kip axle loads spaced as...