Application examples for High-Speed Counters (HSC) Entry ID: 109742346, V1.0, 11/2016 5 G 6 d 1.1.3 Determining the velocity by means of a HW gate In the third example, the pulses of an incremental encoder (PWM) of the S7-1200 are counted by means of the HW gate as long as a light barrier detects an object.
Sample Program: S7-1200 High Speed Counter (HSC) - Siemens
2025年3月21日 · The main tip for CTRL_HSC block is to address the HSC by the symbolic name (not direct by a number): it is easier, clearer to understand, and avoid future problems (if you change for a new hardware and the number of HSC changes).
The 1769-HSC module is a 1 MHz counter/encoder input module with 4 onboard 5…30V DC sourcing outputs designed for high-speed control applications, such as flow control, measuring length, position, speed, frequency, or duration. The module can simultaneously interface with a maximum of two quadrature incremental encoders or four single-input count
The Series 505 High Speed Counter (HSC) module (PPX:505-7002) provides two independent high-speed counter channels. Each channel has the following features. A 10 kHz count rate with a minimum pulse width of 25 s. Two field outputs, each controlled by …
S7 1200 G2 Manual - External Encoder and HSC Inputs
2025年2月27日 · The S7-1200 G2 does not support the use of an external encoder and a measuring probe via an onboard High-Speed Counter (HSC) with Technology Objects by default. The LHSCTO library enables the connection of an external encoder and a measuring probe via the onboard HSC with Technology Objects TO_ExternalEncoder, TO_PositioningAxis and TO ...
SIMATIC S7-1200 G2 External encoder and HSC inputs (High …
2025年2月12日 · Function block library for connecting an external encoder and a measuring input to the HSC inputs (High Speed Counter) of the SIMATIC S7-1200 G2 in conjunction with the technology objects of SIMATIC Motion Control.
Using HSC with incremental encoder - 228797 - Industry Support …
2020年2月13日 · It is used to change configuration of HSC in runtime.
CLICK PLC High Speed Counter (HSC) Encoder Setup from AutomationDirect
In this video we detail how to use the CLICK PLC High Speed inputs to setup high speed counting (HSC) with encoders. Making it the best PLC hardware for simple high speed inputs and counting. Online Support Page: https://community.automationdirect.com/s/?utm_source=8gIrzIipmBM&utm_medium=VideoTeamDescription
The encoder mode reads incoming pulses and returns a binary number (0…16,777,215) to the POINTBus. The encoder mode only accepts two-ph ase quadrature inputs.
Sample Program: S7-1200 High Speed Counter (HSC) - Siemens
2013年2月5日 · The main tip for CTRL_HSC block is to address the HSC by the symbolic name (not direct by a number): it is easier, clearer to understand, and avoid future problems (if you change for a new hardware and the number of HSC changes).