HSC: Sensitivities - Subaru Telescope
The following tables list filters available for open use observation of the HSC, together with their sensitivites. The transmission curves measured at the center of filters are available as plots and ASCII lists in the respective columns.
Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) - Subaru Telescope
2025年1月24日 · When you consider to develop a new HSC filter, please be sure to read the filter policy carefully and contact the Subaru Telescope (contact person: T. Terai [] ) well before applying for funds. Also, please refer the procedure to determine filters for each HSC run .
Basic Information for Hyper Suprime-Cam — hscpipe_e 0.0
HSC filter¶ HSC has 5 broad-band filters (g-, r-, i-, z-, and Y-band) and 6 narrow-band filters (NB468, NB515, NB527, NB656, NB816, and NB921) as of August, 2015. Available filters for open use are presented at Call for proposal of Subaru telescope .
Hyper Suprime-Cam: Filters - Oxford Academic
2018年6月27日 · We describe five broad-band filters and a narrow-band one for the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) at the prime focus of the Subaru Telescope. Since the HSC is a practical successor to the Suprime-Cam (SC), our broad-band filter set follows the SC's SDSS g ΄, r ΄, i ΄, z ΄ filters, and Y filter, and the Hα filter is adopted as our first narrow-band filter.
GalaxiesML - datalab.astro.ucla.edu
It includes 286,401 galaxy images from the Hyper-Suprime-Cam (HSC) Survey PDR2 across five filters: g, r, i, z, y. Spectroscopically confirmed redshifts serve as ground truth, making the dataset ideal for tasks such as redshift estimation and galaxy morphology classification.
HSC basic information — hscPipe8 manual - NAO
HSC (Hyper Suprime-Cam) is a prime focus camera for Subaru telescope. It uses 104 main science CCDs, which covers 1.8 degree square FoV. This page provides the information of HSC CCD, filters, file naming rules for raw data and the amount of data. Please refer Subaru Telescope - HSC for more information.
Hyper Suprime-Cam: Filters - ADS - NASA/ADS
We describe five broad-band filters and a narrow-band one for the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) at the prime focus of the Subaru Telescope. Since the HSC is a practical successor to the Suprime-Cam (SC), our broad-band filter set follows the SC's SDSS g', r', i', z' filters, and Y filter, and the Hα filter is adopted as our first narrow-band filter.
2014年6月26日 · Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) is currently being evaluated for its performance through some test observa-tions. The two Filter Exchange Units (FEU) for HSC are attached to both sides of the Prime Focus Unit. Each FEU is equipped with three lters, and HSC can hold six lters in total at one time. This FEU will be
dr-guangtou/unagi - GitHub
Access to information about HSC filters and camera; Generate cutout coadded or warped HSC images. Generate 3-color RGB picture of a small HSC region. Query and download HSC PSF model. Dealing with the mask planes of HSC images; Basic SQL search of HSC database; Using HSC sky object to characterize residual background
Filter Response Curves — speclite v1.0.dev162 - Read the Docs
2025年1月6日 · HSC Filters¶ HSC filter responses are taken from here, as described here and in Kawanamoto et al. 2018. These throughputs include a reference atmosphere with airmass 1.2. The group name hsc2017 is used to identify these curves in speclite. The plot below shows the output of the following command: