2022年3月9日 · 该机制揭示了HSF1活性的动态调节过程,即在急性应激期间有效驱动HSPs基因转录并在热休克停止后适时终止转录,维持细胞内蛋白质稳态。 基于HSF1的动态调控谱绘了细胞内的“冰与火之歌”。 致谢. 感谢孙育杰研究员对本文的支持。 参考文献.
Reversible phase separation of HSF1 is required for an acute ...
2022年3月7日 · Our work reveals an inducible and reversible phase-separation feedback mechanism for dynamic regulation of HSF1 activity to drive the transcriptional response and maintain protein homeostasis...
Molecular mechanisms of heat shock factor 1 regulation
2022年3月1日 · In this review, we discuss the regulation of Hsf1’s transcriptional activity by multiple layers of control circuits involving Hsf1 synthesis and degradation, conformational rearrangements and post-translational modifications (PTMs), and molecular chaperones in negative feedback loops.
HSP90 inhibitors disrupt a transient HSP90-HSF1 interaction …
2018年5月3日 · Heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) is an evolutionarily conserved transcription factor that initiates the cytoprotective heat shock response (HSR). Found throughout the eukaryotic...
Nature Cell Biology:揭示HSF1的可诱导和可逆相分离介导热休克 …
作者利用随机光学重建超分辨显微(STORM)技术量化了HSF1分子的空间分布。 结果表明,在热休克条件下,HSF1分子在细胞核中同时形成nSB和小的凝聚体(直径~300 nm),不同于与HSP基因无重叠的nSB,这些HSF1小的凝聚体常与HSP基因位点共定位。
Protein Misfolding Releases Human HSF1 from HSP70 Latency …
2024年10月15日 · Here, we have investigated the latency control and activation of human HSF1 by HSP70 and misfolded proteins. Purified oligomeric HSF1-HSP70 (HSPA1A) complexes exhibited basal DNA binding activity that was inhibited by increasing the levels of HSP70 and, importantly, misfolded proteins reverted the inhibitory effect.
孙育杰课题组揭示HSF1的可诱导和可逆相分离介导热休克转录应答 …
2022年3月18日 · 作者利用随机光学重建超分辨显微(STORM)技术量化了HSF1分子的空间分布。 结果表明,在热休克条件下,HSF1分子在细胞核中同时形成nSB和小的凝聚体(直径~300 nm),不同于与HSP基因无重叠的nSB,这些HSF1小的凝聚体常与HSP基因位点共定位。
热休克因子 1 (HSF1) 和热休克蛋白 (HSP) 在铁死亡中的新作用 …
2023年3月14日 · Much research has emerged in recent years demonstrating the involvement of HSPs and their regulator heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) in ferroptosis regulation. Understanding the machinery controlling HSF1 and HSPs in ferroptosis can be employed in developing therapeutic interventions for ferroptosis occurrence in a number of pathological conditions.
HSF1- 信号通路|蛋白抗体-华美生物
HSF1,即热休克转录因子1,也称为HSTF1,是一种转录因子,在温度胁迫后被迅速诱导,能够结合热休克启动子元件(HSE)。 这种蛋白质在调节寿命方面发挥作用,其表达受到磷酸化的抑制,磷酸化促进热休克蛋白90的结合。
HSF1生理特征及调控HSP表达的研究进展 - 道客巴巴
2010年1月14日 · HSP 与变性蛋 白结合 , 通过调节 ATP 酶 , 维持 蛋 白质 四级结构 . 促进 正常核糖 体装 配 、 加速核仁形态 的恢 复, 以提高细胞对应激原的耐受性 , 使变性损伤的蛋白得以 迅速 的处理和恢复 .
科学网—《自然—细胞生物学》:北大孙育杰组揭示HSF1的可诱导 …
2022年3月8日 · 作者利用随机光学重建显微镜(STORM)技术量化了HSF1分子的空间分布。 结果表明,在热休克条件下,HSF1分子在细胞核中同时形成nSB和小的凝聚体(直径,~300 nm),不同于与HSP基因无重叠的nSB,这些HSF1小的凝聚体常与HSP基因位点共定位。
Nat Chem Biol | 项晟祺/侯中怀/姚雪彪揭示HSF1温度依赖性相分离 …
2025年1月11日 · 热休克转录因子1 (HSF1) 是这一反应的核心调控因子,能够快速感知温度变化并诱导分子伴侣等基因的表达,从而维持细胞内蛋白质稳态。 HSF1的活性受到翻译后修饰 (PTMs) 的精确调控,这些修饰影响其相分离能力及下游基因的转录 (Zhang, Shao et al. 2022) 。
Regulation of heat shock transcription factors and their roles in ...
2017年8月30日 · Heat shock transcription factors (HSFs) have broad roles in stress resistance that encompass protection from protein misfolding, inflammation and environmental...
Heat Shock Proteins 热休克蛋白 - 知乎
Heat shock factors such as HSF1, HSF2 and HSF4 from the heat shock factor family promote rapid transcription and will stop the process once no longer needed.HSP27, HSP70, HSP90 and HSP110 are the main HSPs found in abundance after stress.
Regulation of HSF1 Function in the Heat Stress Response: …
A prominent feature of stressed cells is the increased synthesis of heat shock proteins (Hsps) that aid in the refolding of misfolded peptides and restrain protein aggregation. Transcriptional activation of the heat shock response is orchestrated by heat shock factor 1 (HSF1), which rapidly translocates to hsp genes and induces their expression.
Transcriptional regulation of small HSP—HSF1 and beyond
2012年10月1日 · Studies of the inducibility of sHsp genes (i.e. HspB1/B5) by various stresses unraveled different modes of transcriptional regulation, which vary according to the cell systems considered: these mechanisms are either dependent on HSF1 – alone or in association with other transcription factors – or independent on HSF1 (i.e. involving ...
HSF1 in RNA Polymerase II Promoter-Proximal Pausing and …
2021年6月1日 · In this chapter, we discuss the role of HSF1 in Pol II promoter-proximal pausing for regulated HSP70 transcription and expression. The generation of RNA molecules complementary to one of the DNA double strands, or transcription, is the first regulatory step in gene expression [1].
Neuroprotection by Heat Shock Factor-1 (HSF1) and ... - Nature
2018年11月22日 · Heat shock factor-1 (HSF1) protects neurons from death caused by the accumulation of misfolded proteins by stimulating the transcription of genes encoding heat shock...
Transcriptional regulation of small HSP-HSF1 and beyond
Although historically linked to the heat shock transcription factors (HSFs), the stress-induced or developmental expression of the diverse members, including HSPB1/Hsp27/Hsp25, αA-crystallin/HSPB4, and αB-crystallin/HSPB5, relies on the combinatory effects of many transcription factors.
The ALS-associated co-chaperone DNAJC7 mediates …
2 天之前 · Heterozygous loss-of- function mutations in the DNAJC7 gene that encodes an HSP co-chaperone were recently identified as a cause for rare forms of ALS, yet the mechanisms underlying pathogenesis remain unclear.